Saturday, May 18, 2024

In Which Orphan Blocks Find a Home

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!

As I write this, it's a beautiful morning, warm and clear and sunny, the kind of weather that always makes me cheerful.  Also making me happy, I finally have a finished quilt!  Our guild had an "orphan block" challenge contest and I was happy to participate.

All of the blocks in this quilt were in my orphan block drawer.  The big stars in the corners plus a yellow one in the second row were a failed start for a larger quilt.  I thought I knew a better way to make them than the magazine pattern.  (Spoiler--I didn't.)  

Some blocks were leftovers from Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilts, and a couple were just random stars I made when trying out a pattern.  I added blocks together and framed a couple to bring each block up to 12 in. finished.

Four of the orphans were extra special to me.  They were made by a founding member of our quilt group, and I bought them at our silent auction last year.  These stars were hers.  I added the squares to make the block the right size.

These little wonky stars were also hers.

This one is my favorite.  Check out the tomato (?) in the center!  

I was honored to include Laverne's blocks in my quilt, and had the top finished before I learned she had passed away.  She will be long remembered for her many years of teaching quilting and gently encouraging all of us, as well as her kind, sharing, and fun personality.

You'll never guess what happened at the quilt group meeting.  My little orphan quilt won first prize!

There was even a ribbon!  Since it's the first blue ribbon ever for me, I had to take a closeup.  So exciting!

Life is still very busy around here.  Last week I had 2 quilt group meetings, Mothers Day with the family at my house, our wedding anniversary, and all the usual.  I did get a little pink sewing done for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.

Pink stretched stars are easy and fun.  I love that llama fabric!  (Thanks, Joey!)

Still trying to catch up!  These are the last of the yellow blocks for April's RSC.  It is hard to stop making these string blocks.

Here's something interesting that came in the mail.  It was a tote bag, and an announcement for this year's GSAFE auction, which will be held Nov. 26-Dec. 3, 2024. The deadline for submissions is Oct. 31, and the theme this year is "Together".  

GSAFE is an organization working to make more resources available to LGBTQ+ youth in Wisconsin schools.  They are looking for new, handmade, fiber-based donations in all price points.  I donated 3 quilts to them last year, but besides quilts there were knitted, crocheted, embroidered, woven etc. items.  For more information, click HERE.  I've already got an idea or two for a quilt to make!

These guys were "helping" me take pictures of the orphan quilt.  It's a joy to have them around.

I hope you can find time to do what gives you joy this week.  We're going to a birthday party today for our Buddy, and to the first big flea market of the year tomorrow.  Maybe there will even be sewing time.  Who could ask for anything more?

Have a great week, and thanks for reading!



Linking up with these amazing people:

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Angela at So Scrappy, Home of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Cynthia at Oh Scrap




  1. Love it! Great job with your orphan blocks.

    1. Thanks, Kat! I was surprised at how many I had in that little drawer. Maybe there will be enough for a second quilt!

  2. Definitely a blue ribbon winner! I'm collecting orphan blocks in a drawer, as well, & one day they will become a quilt.

  3. Congratulations on the blue ribbon!! It is well deserved too as this quilt is wonderful. It's a good thing the guild inspired you to use up those orphan blocks. They play so well together. Love that you included your friend's blocks too. Enjoy! ;^)

    1. Merci, Chantal! I hadn't even thought of opening the drawer until the challenge came along. Our guild is really good at motivating us to try new things.

  4. Your orphan block quilt is a blue ribbon winner! Can you give more information about the challenge....sounds like something my guild might like.

    1. Thanks, Judy! Our group tends to be sort of informal, and so was this challenge. We were just asked to make something with orphan blocks. It could be a quilt or a bag or a table runner, pretty much anything goes. It had to be fully finished by the May meeting. Hope this helps!

  5. That orphan block quilt is definitely blue ribbon quality! Love it!

    1. Thanks, Cathy! I really didn't think I'd ever make anything with those big stars, they just didn't come out right.

  6. Your orphan block quilt is definitely a first place quilt, Sylvia! It was so fun to see how you used all those stars, and especially sweet to know about your friend's stars being included, too. Happy Birthday to your little buddy and Happy Anniversary to you and DH, too!

    1. Thanks, Diann! Buddy had lots of fun at his party, and we have had a lovely weekend. Hope you did, too!

  7. The beauty, warmth and cheer in the day was brought about by your joyful quilt. You saw the possibility in orphan blocks and they played so well together! Congratulations on the ribbon!

    1. Thanks, Preeti! I'm going to enjoy the quilt for a little while, then donate it to a children's charity. But I'm keeping the ribbon!

  8. That star orphan quilt is amazing, great creativity was happening at your house for sure. Congrats on the ribbon!

    1. Thanks, Vicki! I was lucky that lots of these blocks were either 12 in. finished or 6 in. finished, making for simpler math! (Math is not my friend, lol.)

  9. That orphan block quilt looks like a professionally designed pattern - the blocks all work beautifully together. Great job! Congrats on the ribbon too!

    1. Thanks, Sara! I compiled the blocks into 12 squares that were each 12 in. finished. Most were easy. The one with the irregular stars almost refused to play nice!

  10. A blue ribbon, how thrilling!

  11. Such a cheerful orphans quilt -- and a blue ribbon, too!

  12. P.S. Thanks for the info about GSAFE. I'm going to try to contribute!

    1. Good luck! It's a good cause, and very professionally run.

  13. What a super cool Orphan Block quilt!!! Very modern looking!

    1. Thanks, Alycia! Now I'm wondering what else is hiding in the orphan block drawer lol.


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