Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tumblers, Stars, and Flying Geese

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!

Isn't it amazing what we find when we clean out the stash?  When going through the basement stuff I found a bag of these little tumbler pieces.  I cut them MANY years ago with an Accuquilt die.  It was so much fun cutting up the scraps I went a little overboard.  I made a small quilt with them back then, but had dozens left over.  The quilt measures 38 in. x 46 in., and will be donated locally.

Seeing these scraps again was a trip down memory lane.  But, a lot of them were from the same prints, and even 2 or 3 colors in that same print.  I like my scrap quilts to be really scrappy, so I cut even more tumblers from my current bright scraps, and cut the light fabric to go in between.

The backing is a heart print, bought second hand at the museum sale last June.  I got the red polka dot for the binding there, too.  That's a theme with my quilting this year, using second hand fabrics for donation quilts.  Only good quality cottons need apply!

The border is a popsicle print, completely appropriate for summer.  We often have a "popsicle party" on the back porch with our youngest grandsons on a hot day.  

Check out the selvedge on the popsicle fabric:  1994!  I knew I had it a long time, but 30 years??  Stored properly, good fabrics can last many years.

Speaking of second hand fabric, I bought all this loot at a flea market last weekend.  Most of it will be used for quilts etc. for grownups, not my usual kid quilts, except for the Raggedy Ann and Andy panels.  The print that's mostly blue in the back is vintage, but the rest are fairly recent.  

I snapped a photo of this antique quilt at the flea market.  Not a great picture, sorry, it's hard to get more than a quick snap with the crowds.  I've always liked this pattern, sometimes called Hummingbird or Periwinkle.  What attracts me most, of course, is all the variety in the scraps.

More orange scraps for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  This time of year is exciting.  We're finishing up the last few colors and looking ahead to the quilts we're going to make with all these blocks.  I can hardly wait!  The blocks above are Stretched Stars, just 5 in. cut squares with 2.5 in. white squares sewn on two opposite corners.
The 3-D Flying Geese are coming in for a landing!  Only a couple more colors to go.
I'm looking forward to seeing everybody else's rainbow quilts soon.

Our grandsons aka Buddy and Little Guy posed for me in front of our wonderful library yesterday.  They are well stocked for reading material now.  Only one more week of summer vacation until school starts!

Lastly, another photo from our vacation in Vienna.  That's my hubby, pouring out his troubles to Dr. Sigmund Freud, who seems very unaffected, probably because it's a wax museum and he's made of wax.

Have a lovely week, with lots of things you like to do.  Like quilting!



Linking up with:

Angela at So Scrappy

Cynthia at Oh Scrap


  1. I enjoy your blog so much. What a wildly colorful quilt you made!

    1. Thanks, Juliana! I love making bright colored quilts for kids.

  2. Your tumbler quilt is so cute, Sylvia! You find the best fun prints - I love that popsicle border. Hope your little buddies have a great school year!

    1. Thanks, Diann! I'm always on the lookout for fun fabrics!

  3. Super cute tumbler quilt! The popsicle fabric is just as cute today as it was 30 years ago! --TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Thanks, Terry! I liked it back then, and I still like it! All kids love popsicles, don't they?

  4. Your quilts are so cheerful that I always finish your post with a smile. No exception today, especially with DH whining to Sigmund, lol.
    Enjoy! ;^)

    1. Thanks, Chantal! Hubby is a funny guy. That's why I keep him!

  5. Such handsome little grandsons! The tumbler quilt is just adorable and so cheerful. The orange blocks are adding up quickly.

    1. Thanks, Sara! It's almost time to start putting the blocks together! I can hardly wait.

  6. As Gudrun says, fabric has no expiration date!!! Love your stretched stars! Great photos of your GSs and DH!

  7. What a fun tumbler quilt. I made one several years ago, it’s a favorite. Enjoy seeing those boys enjoying the visit to the library. School started here the 19th. And it’s hot this week! I think most of our schools have AC, so they are probably ok!

    1. Thanks, grammajudyb! Our schools don't usually have air conditioning, but by October we'll need heat here. And snow hats!

  8. Super Cute Tumbler - I like how you staggered them with that little bubble pirnt!


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