Welcome to Treadlestitches!
I've got some help working on the To-Do quilt pile! Snicky, shown here in mid-stretch, is providing moral support. He also took off with my thread at one point, but nobody's perfect.All this Basket quilt needed was a binding. Easy, right? Why do I procrastinate on binding? With Snicky's "help" I got it done by hand this week.My procrastination with this quilt didn't start with the binding though. Back in 2013 when I started this blog, I made a visual list of six quilts I wanted to finish, and this top was there! It's actually embarrassing.
Isn't the quilting beautiful? I had it quilted by my friend Joey Mahieu at Against the Grain in Mineral Point, Wisconsin. I asked for fancy, and she delivered!
It's been a long journey from start to finish on this quilt. I started with a traditional pattern called Basket of Chips, and reproduction scraps cut with my Accuquilt cutter. I found the setting fabric, a Mary Koval print, at a quilt show. Then I dithered about the borders when I didn't have enough of either of the two fabrics I wanted, and finally used both (one on the sides, the other on the top and bottom). It sat patiently in the sewing room closet for literal YEARS before I finally ordered the backing from Connecting Threads. And it's now been almost two more years since Joey finished the quilting.
It's done, hurray! I am so happy that the quilt is done at last, and we can enjoy it. I'm not going to keep beating myself up for taking this long to finish. Life is busy, and quilts are patient.Snicklefritz the cat managed to get into most of my photos this week! He keeps hanging around, hoping I'll take a nap.
Don't let this happy face fool you, our Buddy was quite sick this week. Nothing serious, just a virus, but miserable nonetheless. I took this photo on the second day, when he was almost back to normal. After two days he was himself again, and happy to go back to school.
I hope everyone is feeling well, and taking care of yourself. Have a wonderful week!
Cheers for reading,
Linking up with:
Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday
Angela at So Scrappy