Saturday, April 18, 2020

Hi, Little Friend

Look who came to visit us this week!  It's a Sand Hill crane, one of a group of five (5!)  that dropped into the park behind our house.  I used the zoom on my camera to take this photo from my porch.  The sounds they make are so strange, almost mechanical.
There are wetlands in the area, and we have seen nesting pairs with chicks in past years.

 The sun is shining on the porch this morning.  It's hard to believe it was snowing here yesterday.  Wisconsin weather.  What can you do.
In other news, I finished this little quilt.  Jo Kramer of Jo's Country Junction calls it "Brick House".  She featured it on her blog, and I couldn't wait to try it out.
My favorite block is the one with the zebra.

Here's the back.  Isn't this dog fabric a hoot?
A weird thing happened.  I made a scrappy binding, and included some light blue fabric left over from other baby quilts.  Pictured on it was Winnie the Pooh, writing.  Without any effort on my part, the words from the fabric ended up visible on the edge of the quilt.  Above, it says, "hi little friend".
The next part says "you're a real friend".
And lastly, "some friends are smaller than others".  On the fabric, he was writing to Piglet.
I think this qualifies as a very special quilt, so instead of donating it as I had planned, I will save it for my baby grandson.  Sure, I already made him a quilt, but you can never have too many, can you.  I can't wait to hold him again, and say, "Hi, little friend."

Wanna see my Rainbow Scrap Challenge shoofly blocks for this month?  Okay!
These are so simple and fun.  The best part is dragging out all the different scraps to choose from.  (The worst part is putting it all away after the blocks are done.)

We're living through a really strange time.  I find myself doing weird things to cheer myself up, like opening cupboards just to admire how organized they now are.  I've never been what my sisters and I called "Susie Homemaker".  The house has been reasonably clean, and the meals have been reasonably good, and that was fine.  I don't think there's any danger of me becoming a perfectionist, but I may be raising my standards a bit.
Yesterday, my husband (finally!) put up new blinds in the sewing room.  (We bought them months ago.)  Naturally, I washed the windows first, and even vacuumed the carpet when he was done.  So what should I do today?  Sew like crazy, that's what!  I am going to make a giant mess, and I can hardly wait.
Are you going to make something today too?  I hope you have as much fun as I will!
Cheers for reading,

Linking up with:
Sarah at Can I Get A Whoop Whoop
Angela at So Scrappy
Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday


  1. Love the sandhill cranes! We've seen them during their Spring migration through Nebraska. Your Brick House quilt is so cute! I love seeing the fun animals on it and the words, too. It is definitely one you should keep for your new littlest buddy! Pretty shoofly blocks, too. Enjoy some messy sewing this afternoon, Sylvia!

    1. Thanks, Diann! I definitely did have some messy fun yesterday!

  2. Lovely blue sewing room is a mass of strips and wayward thread pieces right now..have fun sewing
    ~ ~ ~ waving from frigid CT brrrr

    1. Hi, Julierose! Sounds like you're having fun, too! Stay warm, spring is definitely coming.

  3. Lovely stitching, and the Brick House quilt is gorgeous. Might have to tuck that idea away for a future RSC project.

    1. Thanks, Jenny! I agree, Brick House could be a fun RSC quilt. And it's really easy, too.

  4. Hi,
    Love the quilt, so cute, perfect for a baby.
    Have a great day!

  5. Sylvia!!! I can't believe you've already FINISHED "Jo's" quilt. Your version turned out SEW cute!

    1. Thanks, Joyful! I'm trying to get things done now, before my daughter goes back to work and the grandkids are here helping me.

  6. Congratulations on finishing this beauty. I love this. I might steal that pattern from you. I can see it in flannel. Would it make a dent in my flannel scraps? No but it would be a fun one to make I'm sure. I hear you, sister. I don't like putting the mess away when I'm done make blocks but it is necessary. Especially when I want to pull out more fabric to make another mess. Enjoy! ;^)

    1. Ooh, good idea, this pattern would be great in flannel!

  7. amazing how the binding finished. It looks like a great quilt.

    1. Thanks, Maggie! I was sort of stunned when I saw the words. Weird.

  8. Brick house seems pretty appropriate to have made now. It's a fun bright finish.

    1. Thanks, Vicki! I had the Commodores song in my head when I was sewing it.

  9. What a treat to have cranes so close by. The Brick House quilt is adorable. I can understand why you would save it for your grandchild. I love the writing on the binding.

    1. Thanks, KatieQ! We're hearing the cranes flying overhead almost every day now.

  10. Oh my goodness! What a perfect little bit of quilt serendipity! Your blog is full of good news this morning: grandbabies, quilt finishes, sand hill cranes. I'm all misty eyed reading about it all! Hooray for good news, good signs and good days :)

  11. The cranes are beautiful. They are the inspiration for many of the graceful moves of Tai Chi and QiGong exercise. Your zebra block in that bright beautiful quilt made me smile. Not a Susie homemaker here either. You think by now I would have given this house a good spring cleaning, and that would be incorrect. I am focusing on getting a good dinner on the table....and I am not a great cook either. Just not the domestic type.

    1. Hi, Jo! Long ago I used to do a Tai Chi routine every morning. I've kind of fallen away in recent years, but I'm trying to get back. The cranes are a good inspiration.

  12. Love the brick block, a great scrap buster. I have been making shoo fly blocks as well! We are indeed living in strange times and I find my sewing room to be a haven from the constant chatter about the virus. I find myself thinking this is what it must have been like to live during the war, wondering when was all the death and destruction going to end.

    1. Hi, Sue. I've been thinking about WWII lately too. Thank goodness for our sewing to help us focus on brighter days ahead.

  13. I love it when nature provides such wonderful appearances.

    Your quilt is adorable. I can see why you are hanging on to it.

    Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

    1. Thanks, Cynthia! Spring is a great time of year for miracles of nature.

  14. how sweet that your binding worked out that way!


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