Saturday, December 31, 2022

Sunshine and Shadow

 Welcome to Treadlestitches! Happy Last Day of 2022!

To me, every year is like the old quilt pattern called Sunshine and Shadow.  Both light and dark, good and bad things happen.  Remembering the sunshine when a shadow descends helps me keep going.  (The photo above is a half log cabin quilt I made years ago.)

 The Rainbow Scrap Challenge is one of the bright spots of sunshine in the year, and I always enjoy it.  This year I had 4 RSC projects  which resulted in 5 quilts.  Three of them were done earlier, but I'm down to the wire on the last two.  I really wanted  to get all my RSC quilts done before starting new ones in January.

Yesterday, I finished the 16 patch.  It's 61 in. x 69 in., sort of a lap robe or small twin.

The back is this blue plaid I had in the stash.  I bought it at a booth in an antique mall several years ago.

I quilted a 2 in. grid with the serpentine stitch on my Pfaff, and bound it with a dark blue solid.

The Split Nine Patch (that I'm calling Rainbow Streak of Lightning) did get its borders, but I don't think it will be quilted by midnight tonight.  Maybe by the end of the weekend?  It's a true twin size, at 72 in. x 81 in.

The border fabric is this green star print.  I bought a nice big piece of it at a flea market last summer.  I'm not sure why, but I usually use blue fabric for borders.  Other colors can work, too!  I need to give them a chance.

These are the other 3 RSC quilts, and I've blogged about them earlier.  The zigzag ones are called Razzle Dazzle (click HERE to read about them), and the Crayon quilt can be found HERE.  All of this year's RSC quilts will be donated to children's charities.

The end of the year is a good time to look back and take stock.  I use this little notebook to keep track all year.  When I finish making a top, I record it here.  Then when it gets quilted, I record that date as well, and check it off.

Here are the stats for this year.

Quilts finished: 27 total:  21 Baby-sized quilts, 6 medium to large

Tops made, not yet quilted: 5 total:  4 small, 1 twin (the Split Nine Patch above).

Now, that doesn't count tops finished in PREVIOUS years.  The backlog is SERIOUS.  I'm just trying not to add to it, and I actually have a plan for tackling the UFOs this coming year.

Starting tomorrow!

I hope all who celebrate had a happy holiday.  This little Snicklefritz keeps climbing in the Christmas tree and knocking down all the ornaments.  Thank goodness my hubby weighted the base so he can't tip it over.

I'm wishing more sunshine than shadow for you, and all of us, in 2023.  Happy New Year!

Thanks for reading,


Linking up with:

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Angela at So Scrappy, Home of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Cynthia at Oh Scrap

Sarah at Can I Get A Whoop Whoop


  1. Wow! That is a lot of finished quilts. I completed one. I plan to revisit 23 ufos and maybe finish a couple this year. I just want to play.

    1. Playing is the best! And it's actually good for our mental health!

  2. You are always a good quilt finisher, Sylvia, so don't worry about not finishing everything by the stroke of midnight tonight! You know they'll get done soon. Your fun rainbow quilts are always my favorites with the great variety of prints that you include! Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Diann, you are always so kind! Happy New Year to you too!

  3. I try to keep a list as well - I realized I left a couple things off of my list when I was writing up my post last night so added them back in. The book had got put behind a couple other things - I need to keep it handier! You made a lot and they are all delightful

  4. What a lot of quilts you have made this year! I do like your RSC quilts especially the colour shading on the 16 patch. Happy New Year. xx

    1. Thanks, Lin! I started the 16 patch to use up multi-color prints. Somehow I have even more of them than when I started! Happy New Year!

  5. You do such a great job at finishing the quilts you start each year. Such bright and cheerful RSC quilts. Those that receive them will love them. Wishing 2023 is a happy one for you.

  6. I am so disorganized at keeping lists of finishes! I liked looking at your post with them in one place

  7. I like your list process. You ALWAYS have such fun and cheerful RSC quilts. You are an inspiration!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  8. Congratulations on all those finishes. I love the green border on RSofL. That quilt is just awesome. Here's to another productive year. All the best to you and yours. ;^)

  9. Very nice quilt! Love the Zig Zag (RSC Split 9-Patch) quilt. You have a sweet little kitty. Glad your husband fixed the tree so it wouldn't tip over and get the kitty in trouble! ha! Happy 2023!

    1. Thanks, Susie H! We haven't had a kitten in 20 years, so we're relearning how to keep one safe and ourselves sane!

  10. What a great wrap up!! I like not adding to the backlog haha!! Happy New Year!!!

    1. Thanks, Alycia! The backlog is crazy embarrassing. I'm going to try to chip away at it this year. Happy 2023!

  11. So many colorful and fun projects. It was nice to revisit these quilts once again. Wishing you joy, health and creativity in the new year!


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!