Friday, December 16, 2022

Crayons, Dogs, Christmas, and Planning Ahead

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!  Sorry for no blog last week.  I caught whatever rotten cold was going around.  Thankfully I'm feeling better now.

The crayon quilt, one of my Rainbow Scrap quilts for 2022, is quilted and bound.  My dog Bella was happy to pose with it.  Actually, she wouldn't get off the quilt, so I just made the best of it and took her photo.

I think she's feeling jealous of our new kitten and needs a little extra attention.

The back is this colorful print from that chain fabric store, and the red binding is a scrap from a recent sale.  So now it's ready to be donated.

Here's what I'm using for leaders and enders--triangle squares I made last year and never got around to doing anything with.  It's amazing what kind of stuff turns up in the sewing room when I'm needing a secondary project.

Here's what's left to do.  I wonder if this will be all I need to finish the next top, or if I'll have to go hunting for another unfinished project.  Either way, stuff gets done, right?

It's that time of year again!  My Little Guy helped me unpack and put up decorations, and Little Buddy helped hang ornaments on the Christmas tree after he got home from school.  The wall quilt above is one of my oldest quilts, a piece I made after taking my first quilt class back in 1986.  It's very amateurish, but I'm still fond of it.  And it's hand quilted!  I got a little carried away with the French knot snow in the night sky, though.

This week, I made this little table topper with Christmas fabric scraps.

I only had this one square of dog Christmas fabric, so it went in the star center.

I guess this week is all about the dogs!  I still had a strip of this Boston terriers print, so it went on the border.

The back is this Grinch print, a remnant from that chain store.  How the Grinch Stole Christmas is still one of my favorite Christmas stories.  Christmas comes to Whoville even without all the gifts and trappings that always seem so important.  And a curmudgeon's heart grows 3 sizes!

Have you thought about what to make in 2023?  It's just over 2 weeks away!  I can hardly believe it.  I'm going through books and patterns, thinking about what quilts to sew.  Above is my stash of Missouri Star's Block magazine, most of which I bought in second hand book stores or at flea markets.  Even though many of the Missouri Star patterns are available free as You Tube tutorials, I really like having the print version.  I can refer to it easily while I'm sewing.  Plus as a retired librarian, I admit I'm partial to print media.

Doesn't our Little Guy look serious?  He's enjoying learning about slates and erasing.  We're going to have some fun this week drawing and coloring, reading library books, and making ornaments from kits the library gives away.  (We have a great library here, as I have said before!)  Tomorrow all the cousins are coming to make cookies for Christmas, hang out together, and play with  Snicklefritz the kitten.  It will be a happy fun day.

I hope whatever you are doing this weekend, holiday related or not, is just what you'd like to do.  I'm wishing you good health, too.  Stay well!

Cheers for reading,


Linking up with:

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Angela at So Scrappy

Cynthia at Oh Scrap 

Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict




  1. what a great quilt the crayon quilt is - that is so cute and colorful some little kid is going to love cuddling up in that one - glad you are feeling better.

    1. Thank you so much! It's no fun to be sick for the holidays.

  2. Love the crayons AND the dog. Congratulations on getting it finished up. Glad you are feeling better.

    1. Thanks! Our poor dog has a lot to put up with now that there's a kitten in the house.

  3. Ugh, I’m sorry you’ve been sick. No fun! The Crayon quilt is amazing! I’m thinking I need to put that on my to make list, ASAP.


    1. Thanks, Michelle! The crayons are easy to make, and use a lot of fun fabrics.

  4. Lovely crayon quilts. I love your first Christmas quilt too, boy, that's a lot of French knots in the sky!
    Enjoy family time ;)

    1. Merci, Frederique! I'm not sure why I thought I needed to embroider a blizzard of French knots! Happy holidays!

  5. You were missed last week! Sorry to hear you were sick, but happy you’re well in plenty of time to enjoy the fun parts of the season with the grands. LOVE that crayon quilt! I did one once, but it’s not as cute as yours. 😁 Your first little Christmas House wallhanging has fared well through the years and still looks so cute and contemporary. Thanks for putting a smile on my face this morning with your fun post!

    1. Thanks for the kind comments, Cathy! Happy holidays to you!

  6. I'm so sorry to hear you were sick, but glad you're better! Your dog insisting on getting in the quilt photo is hilarious! I think that chain fabric store has the best rainbow backings - your crayon quilt turned out great. Decorating for Christmas is so much fun - I loved seeing your older project and your brand new one. Have a wonderful day today!

    1. Thanks, Diann! Poor Bella is mostly being very patient with a feisty little kitten. I hope they'll eventually be friends.

  7. Oh my - that crayon quilt is really adorable! Hope you keep feeling better and better each day. I admit that I prefer the print version of Block too, and have also been going through some magazines and patterns for more ideas for 2023.

    1. Thanks, Sara! I hope you're finding fun projects for next year. I'm going to have a hard time deciding which ones to choose.

  8. congrats on the crayon quilt - very nice. cleaning up my space is just like christmas with lots of surprises.

  9. the tag should say, photo bombed by Bella!

  10. The crayon quilt looks great, and the dog loves it too. Not sure if I've ever seen a photo of your dog before. I'm thinking about 2023 projects too, but not too seriously at this stage. We are away on a long caravan trip and wont be back home till early March.

    1. Thanks, Jenny! That sounds like a wonderful trip. Have fun!

  11. Luv the idea of the crayon quilt,my fur baby lays claim to my quilts too!

    1. Thanks, Helen! Aren't we lucky to have their company? They're such good quilt testers!

  12. The crayon quilt is just as sweet as can be. I am going to start now and carry into the first part of 2023 getting some UFO's done! I am sure I will start something new in between them though.

    1. Thanks, Vicki! Good idea, working on UFOs. I've got a plan for mine, but we'll see how much I get done.

  13. Glad you are feeling better. Bella is just making sure you are holding the camera properly haha -- VERY cute quilt!!!

  14. Oh, the crayon quilt is so fun. I can imagine any child would want to have it. And the "amateurish" quilt is my idea of the perfect Christmas decoration--something that comes out year after year and warms your heart because of its history. It sounds like you have a super fun week planned. I'm glad you are feeling better so you can enjoy it.

  15. Congratulations on finishing up your RSC Crayon quilt!! LOVE what you did with the extra bits along the top border!


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