Friday, November 29, 2019

New Baby Stuff

Happy Day after Thanksgiving!  I hope all who celebrated yesterday had a wonderful holiday.
I did get a little quilting done this week, before the turkey insanity.  Little Buddy is posing here with the finished quilt for his little brother, who is due in March.
I posted about piecing this quilt a couple of weeks ago.  It's just a simple 9 patch, from blue, green, and yellow scraps.
I bound it with green, just to add a little more not-blue color.  Max the bunny seems to enjoy it.  Maybe it's the bunny print in the border.
I cleared a drawer in the extra room for the new baby, but there's not much to put in it yet.  The baby will be coming to me for child care, so we'll need a few clothes for emergency changes, and some sweaters, etc. for trips outside.
This sweater is much too big for a newborn, but will come in handy as he grows.  It's made from wool, so will need to be hand washed.  That's a lot to ask of parents who both work, with two other kids.  So I'll keep the sweater here and wash it myself as needed.
I got the wool second hand (maybe at a flea market?  I can't remember).  I looked up the company, and they went out of business in the 1960s.
Knitting sweaters in one piece is so much fun.  This yarn was very thin, so I held two strands together throughout.  It held up well, and is nice and soft.  The sweater will be extra warm for our Wisconsin falls and springs.
Here's the tag that was inside the yarn ball.  I'm glad to know that "Monarch-Knit Outerwear for Children in pure wool is smart and healthful."

Since we moved here 28 years ago, our family has grown from 5 to 11 (soon to be 12) people.  We are so happy to welcome new family members, either through marriage or birth.  For Thanksgiving, we now have two long tables, and I really hadn't kept up with tablecloths, etc.  So this year I bought two matching tablecloths in a neutral color.
If I had bought 12 napkins to match the tablecloths, it would have cost over $75.  That seemed like a lot.  Plus they would have been a light color, and probably would have gotten stained the first time out.
I did this instead.
I cut up this old tablecloth, which I've always liked for its fall colors, but which is too small for either of my tables.
And I made this.  I had 8 napkins already, so I made 4 more plus a liner for the rolls basket.  It took about an hour and cost nothing.  It all worked great at this year's Thanksgiving, and I plan on using these for years to come.

It's very quiet around here today after yesterday.  I miss the people and the fun, but I'm glad to have some time to rest.  Oh, and to sew!

I hope you have a lovely weekend, doing the things you enjoy most.
Thanks for reading,

Linking up with:
Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict (Can I Get A Whoop Whoop)
Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday
Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Oh Scrap


  1. Congrats on finishing a quilt for the new baby (and some quiet sewing time, too!!)

  2. Very smart to make napkins out of that nice plaid! It's crazy how much they cost in the store when they are just simple squares with hems. Littlest Buddy's quilt turned out so sweet, and Little Buddy looks excited for the baby to arrive :)

    1. Thanks, Louise. When we talk about the baby, Little Buddy says "My baby!" I hope he'll still be happy when his little brother is getting lots of attention.

  3. Yay for the baby quilt - and Wow! what a great idea to re purpose your table topper!

  4. The baby quilt is so sweet - and I think the green binding was perfect for finishing it! It pulls out the green from the 9 patches. What a great idea to make those cloth napkins that way, too! Glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving!

    1. Thanks, Diann! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.

    2. Precious photo of little buddy and the new quilt. You make me want to cast on a top down sweater. I do dislike seaming up knitwear.

    3. Thanks, Joanne! The first time I made a seamless sweater, it felt like magic! Apparently it's a very old way to make garments.

  5. What a sweet baby quilt and how lucky to be able to watch a little one!

    1. Thanks, Deb A! I always say, I'm the luckiest person in the world.

  6. Such a wonderful baby quilt. And that bunny - too cute!

    1. Thanks, Joyce! We all love Max. When I was a school librarian I collected lots of stuffed animal book characters like Max (from Rosemary Wells' books).


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