Saturday, May 23, 2020

Happy Scrappy Stars

Welcome to Treadlestitches!
This week, I'm winding up all my projects for Hands2Help, the annual charity quilt drive hosted and organized by Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict.  The deadline is the week of May 31st, which is coming up fast.
This little quilt is for Little Lambs, and will go with a baby going into foster care.  I have been out of some important supplies, like basting spray and my favorite needles, which arrived to squeals of joy.  I love getting packages in the mail, don't you?  Even when I know what's in them!
The pattern is a simple Friendship Star, made from scraps, which finishes at 6 in.  The sashing is 1 in. finished, and is a light fabric with a star print.
It was so much fun putting these stars together.  Here's a robot under the sea.
The back is this bright alphabet print.
Once I got it finished, I started to wonder if maybe I shouldn't have put so much white fabric into a quilt meant for a baby.  But I guess if the foster parents are concerned about stains etc., they can just flip it over.  Problem solved!  Let's not worry about stuff.
The stars for this quilt came from my stash of 2.5 in. squares, triangles, and hsts.  I am working on organizing my stuff better, which I think is a natural response to lots of time off during a pandemic.  I still have to work on the reproduction scraps and other sizes of squares and triangles.  But now when I'm making a quilt from bright fabrics, I can pull out this box to get me started.
The triangles are tucked in the back.  Ooh, seeing these makes me itch to get sewing.

First things first.  This top will be my last quilt for Hands2Help this year.  It will go to Quilty Hugs for Happy Chemo, and I hope it brings a little hug from me.
Most of these blocks were made by wonderful ladies in my quilt group.  I won them in block swaps, and then couldn't figure out how best to set them, etc. so they were in my orphan block "collection".
They are orphans no more.  I will focus on quilting this 48 in. x 48 in. top this week, and get it ready to mail out.  I hope they have someone who likes purple.  I love it, myself, it's one of my favorite colors.
We had a birthday party yesterday!  Little Buddy turned 4!  It was our usual babysitting day, so we gave him his presents when he first got here.  The cake and ice cream had to wait til after lunch.  No guests, of course, but he didn't seem to mind.  As you can see, he is still into dinosaurs.
Baby Buddy didn't know what the fuss was about, but he was happy anyway.
Later, Little Buddy became a T Rex on the back porch (that's Grandpa weeding in the background).

All around us, the natural world is coming back to life after the long winter.  In these uncertain times, I appreciate the joy of spring even more.
Some of the rhubarb is ready to cut today.  A pie is definitely in our future!
I hope there are good things in your future, too.
Thanks for reading,

Linking up with
Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday
Angela at So Scrappy
Sarah at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Cynthia at Oh Scrap


  1. Funny how Little Buddy seemed to grow and change between breakfast and lunch... Happy Birthday!! Speaking of growing, Baby Buddy looks like he is growing, too. Your H2H quilts are coming together beautifully, Sylvia! The recipients will surely be thrilled to get them.

    1. Thanks, Joyful! Everything is growing around here, even (especially?) the children!

  2. Love your Friendship Star quilt. The sashing is perfect. Love the backing too. Little Buddy always steals the show but that's okay as he is so adorable. Enjoy! ;^)

  3. You make such wonderful donation quilts, Sylvia! The purple sashing ties those orphan blocks together so nicely. Little Buddy is so cute with his dinosaurs - he looks like he is very happy to be coming back to your house for regular visits.

    1. Thanks, Diann! We are so happy to see all our buddies again. Even the dog is perked up when they're here.

  4. you have a better memory than I do, a box comes and I am stumped - but, then it's Christmas

    1. Oh, Maggie, you made me laugh out loud! I have had that happen a time or two!

  5. I cut 2.5" squares and HST from my scraps and run out of ideas, but I like your friendship start with sashing, thank you!

    1. You're welcome, Sue! It's pretty simple, but that's the way I like it.

  6. Love the pretty little friendship star quilt, such a nice pattern.

  7. I love your Friendship Starquilt, very sweet. Lovely donation pink quilt too ;)

    1. Thanks, Frederique! Baby quilts are my favorite things to make!

  8. Like you, I too wonder about using lots of white for a donation quilt. But what else would we use, white just makes a quilt look so good;)

    1. Right! I had it quilted before I thought about the hard use it was going to get, I just liked how it looked!

  9. Such beautiful donation quilts, they will be treasured. Love seeing what your buddies are up to, and yes, every spring bloom seems more precious this year. Stay safe!

  10. What a cute star quilt! And a perfect bright backing. I'm sure it will be loved.

    1. Thanks, Wendy! Baby quilts are kind of like the Velveteen Rabbit--they need to be loved by a child.

  11. Awesome friendship star quilt! It will be used I am sure! And I really like your orphan block quilt. Great use of a unifying sashing.

    1. Thanks, grammajudyb! I dithered awhile before deciding on the sashing fabric. Deciding is the hardest part for me.

  12. I love purple, too, and that's going to be a great quilt! Hooray for orphan blocks finding their forever home! And the friendship star baby quilt is just adorable and fun and bright and happy :)

    1. Thanks, Louise! I liked the series you wrote on your blog about using orphan blocks--it was very inspiring!

  13. I love both of the quilts. They will definitely be appreciated in their new home. Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

    1. Thanks, Cynthia! I always love seeing what you do with scraps.

  14. Such a soothing, full of scrappy goodness, lovely starry quilt. Baby Buddy and Little Buddy are adorable - each in their own way.

  15. Great starry quilt! but Little buddy... he is so adorable!! and my youngest was a lover of dinosaurs at a very young age.... and still is too!! I love that!

    1. Thanks, Alycia! We've been wondering if Little Buddy will still love dinosaurs when he's older, or if he'll move on to something else. It will be fun to see what he chooses.


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!