Saturday, August 22, 2020

It Starts With Scraps

 It started with the scraps.   Well, of course it did.

In last week's "episode", I wrote about sorting my tiny reproduction fabric scraps, so I could make these blocks.
Hurray!  All 56 of these little blocks are done, and made from 100% scraps.  I even looked up the block name in Barbara Brackman's Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns.  The closest match is #1602, which is called Thrifty (quite appropriate) and was published in the Kansas City Star in 1939.  Quilts were made in this pattern long before then, of course.

Last Sunday night, while watching PBS, I dumped out all the repro scraps on the floor and sorted them by size and color.  Any scraps big enough to cut a 2 in. square from went in a stack.  The rest went into these baggies. 
 Any non-quilters reading this must think it's hilarious to keep scraps this small.  Heck, many quilters would think so, too!
But look what you can do with them!  This is a 6 in. crumb square.  Isn't it cute?  I absolutely love it, even though I don't yet have a plan for using it in a quilt.  It will come to me.  Right?
While sorting through scraps, I found some triangles, like the ones above, left over from the quilt below.
 This quilt was made from somebody else's UFO that I bought at a quilt show.  (Click HERE for that story.)  This quilt went on to be donated through my quilt guild.  Looking at it now I'm reminded of the fall out shelter signs from my childhood.  (Ack!)
So that brings us around to this--a brand new quilt I started this week, just because I had some leftover cut pieces.  To me, these triangles look like strings of pennants hung up for an outdoor party.  The rows of pennants are not all sewn together yet.  I'm planning to add the light border, and then an outside border of squares.  I haven't made a baby quilt for a while.  It has been good to work on getting some of my other projects done, but I miss making these bright quilts for charity.
Did you see the purple triangles?  That's about all I managed for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this week.  This was a full week of babysitting the boys.  
Big Buddy starts his first job today, at a supermarket.  I don't really "babysit" him anymore, I just feed him and nag him about cleaning up his messes, and he introduces me to his favorite anime shows on Netflix.
Everybody was well this week, thank goodness, even Bella the dog, who got her shots at the vet.   I had to wait for her in the car due to the virus, which was weird but worked out okay.
These guys kept me hopping all week!  Baby Buddy is trying to learn to crawl.  I am watching with awe and horror, knowing how crazy everything will be when he is more mobile.
We try to take a walk in the park every day.  (This week we managed 4 out of 5 days!)  Every time we go, Little Buddy wants to have his picture taken sitting on this bench.
He will be starting preschool again this coming Thursday, and it's in-person.  I am trying not to burden him or his big brother with my worries about their safety.  I'll be making each of them a stack of masks this weekend.
Here's what Baby Buddy thinks about walks in the park--a good chance for a nap!
I don't know if I'll take a nap today, but I am definitely going to get some sewing done.  My sewing room is my happy place.
Have a good week, and stay safe!
Cheers for reading,
Linking up with:
Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Oh Scrap 



  1. I love your scrapiness. The pennants look fantastic! I am sewing masks too. It's a scary time. Cute grands!

    1. Thanks, hetty! Good luck with your masks. I keep trying new patterns, haven't found a perfect one yet.

  2. Your Crumb blocks are awesome - I love how you sorted and organized - and the baby... gets me every time!

    1. Thanks, Alycia! That baby gets me every time, too! Even when he's fussy.

  3. It definitely all starts with scraps! I love your triangle pennants - they'll make a fun baby quilt. I've noticed my grown boys don't really want to take on my worries for their health and safety, either. We just have get lots of sewing therapy these days, Sylvia!

    1. Amen on the sewing therapy, Diann! It's something positive we can do in these tough times.

  4. Major milestones for The Buddies! First job, first day of preschool, and learning to crawl. Fun times at your house!

    1. As always, Joyful! I am lucky to be here sharing it all with them.

  5. Fun baby quilt! Masks are on my agenda too!
    Worries here too, but no need to share.

    1. Thanks, grammajudyb! It's tough enough for kids without their grandma being a worry wart.

  6. Replies
    1. You're welcome, maggie! I always love seeing your scrappiness too!

  7. Good for you using up every little scrap!
    I especially loved all the Buddy smiles this week!

    1. Thanks, Cathy! I just really love making something out of "nothing". I'm trying to remember to take more photos of the kids as they grow. Seems like the 15 year old was a baby yesterday!

  8. Love the pennant quilt-some very happy fabrics in there. Your buddies are just growing up so fast, right!

    1. Thanks, Miri! I am all about the happy fabrics, especially lately. And I just can't believe how fast kids grow up!

  9. Your pennant quilt is looking so sweet! What a fun idea.

  10. Great use of those extra triangles. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  11. Those triangles make excellent pennants! What a happy quilt!

  12. I love your "fall out" shelter quilt. But I agree EEK! Your new pennants quilt is going to be very cute. Maybe I should pull my ruler that makes that shape and do something? Maybe in a few weeks! Hope you have plenty of quilty time this week.

  13. I love all the cute background fabrics in your pennant quilt! I'm a sucker for text and alphabet prints. They're not easy to find. And yeah, keeping tiny pieces of fabric for crumb blocks is a bit crazy, but in a good way. Glad you're getting so much time with the Buddies Three :)


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!