Saturday, June 8, 2024

Cats and Stars and Potato Chips

Welcome to Treadlestitches!

I've been spinning the treadle wheels this week, happily piecing blocks from scraps for my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.

It's blue month at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, and boy have I got blue scraps!  It's fun making these potato chip blocks.

We're doing any/all shades of blue this time, so I got to use my medium blue scraps as well as light and dark.  All these pieces came from my box of 2 in. x 3.5 in. rectangles.  I wish I could say I used up most of them.  Actually, I didn't make a dent.  Can you tell I love blue?

Dark and medium blue stretched stars were pieced from charm squares.  Did you catch Marvin the Martian?  I always liked him in the cartoons.  Which is weird because he was always trying to blow up our planet.  I guess I knew Bugs Bunny would prevail.

These stretched stars are on the lighter side.

Not a big fan of caterpillars in real life, but on fabric they're kind of fun.  Maybe just a bit creepy?

Cats are never creepy!  Ok, maybe they're not blue either.  I'm thinking more of stuffed animals with these blocks.

I honestly cannot tell what color the background is on this Laurel Burch print.  Blue or purple?  What do you think?  When I put it next to purples it looks blue, and vice versa when I put it with blues.

 It's raining cats and dogs on this print!  The cat is the smart one here, wearing flippers and a snorkel.

There were a few more pink cats to finish from last month.  I just love that Hello Kitty background fabric.

I'm calling this whole project Rainbow Kitties.  These rainbow fabric kitties wanted to be made right now, for Pride Month.  I might find a few more rainbow fabrics as I go along.

The grand kids are done with school and are here more, which is part of the reason I'm not getting much sewing done.  I'm okay with that, they're important.  This week they built this castle and village, and we're leaving it up til next week.

They've got everything, from dragons and monsters to minions and smurfs.  I'm glad they found something absorbing to play inside, since it's been raining a lot.  Even when we go outside, everything is wet and muddy.  Better weather is on the way, I hope.

In other news, I cut the rhubarb and made a pie.  Rhubarb always makes it feel like summer.

How is your month coming along?  I always look forward to seeing everybody's projects at the linky parties.  Have a lovely week!

Thanks for reading,


Linking up with:

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Angela at So Scrappy

Cynthia at Oh Scrap


  1. Those kitty blocks just make me smile - so fun!! The stretched stars are a great scrap buster.

    1. Thanks, Sara! I'm going to need a lot of stretched stars even for a small quilt, but they're fast and easy, so no problem. Goodness knows, I've got the scraps.

  2. You have the best novelty fabrics, Sylvia! I always love to click and look at your blocks up close - even the caterpillars. I love those kitty blocks, too. I might need to make some! Your pie looks yummy!

    1. Thanks, Diann! Cute kid fabric just makes my heart sing.

  3. So many neat novelty prints in your stash!! I just really love those kitties--so darling--how large are the blocks? Yum rhubarb pie!! I'll be right over--save me a piece hahaha!! Hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! The kitties are 6 in. square. All the pieces can be cut from 3.5 in. strips. Come on over for pie anytime!

  4. The treadle's wheel was spinning this week for sure. Look at all you've made! Wow! Not a fan of caterpillars either but I do love butterflies. I too have in-between fabric where they become another colour when place next to the colour you think they are. Sigh! I love how the boys have corralled everyone in. Enjoy! ;^)

    1. Thanks, Chantal! One of these days I'm going to make a quilt with just bug fabrics. It's amazing how many there are.

  5. You have such pretty blue fabrics for your RSC quilts. The potato chip blocks are fun aren't they, I have been making them also.

    1. Thanks, Vicki! Potato chip blocks are like the real thing--you can't make just one!

  6. Those kittie blocks are so fun! Your novelty scraps are so varied. I always look to see what is in the prints you used for your RSC blocks. I like rhubarb too. Your pie looked delicious!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Thanks, Terry! We polished off the pie right away, even the little boys liked it. Too bad I don't have enough rhubarb to can this year.

  7. Your comments made me chuckle, Sylvia! Yes, love blue!!! I keep seeing potato chip blocks all over! And of course our scrap quilts/blocks don't seem to make a dent!?! It's not logical, but it's true! I ran into the same phenomenon--a certain fabric looked blue, until it was next to the other blues, then it looked purple! I picked the rhubarb last week, too! Made crisp, sauce and cake. Need to make a pie, also!

  8. What a wonderful variety of blues and rainbow blocks! As soon as the bake element is replaced in my oven, I plan to make a rhubarb cake or cookies. It should be here Monday! My personal Mr. Fix-It will install it! ❤️

    1. Thanks, grammajudyb! Good luck with the new bake element!

  9. I must love blue too as I have tons of it! I'm enjoying the RSC from afar this year so I like seeing all the different blocks. I made the kitty pattern with all different colors of bandana fabric, and some kitties in reverse. So cute!

    1. Bandana fabric sounds cute! Hey, I could make reverse kitties too! Thanks for the idea!

  10. Really enjoyed your post. What a busy life you lead, looking after your grandchildren and still managing to find time to sew! The cat blocks a re great.

    1. Thanks! I really love my busy life. But I don't mind having a day off once in a while!

  11. Boy - I am loving all these blues!! what fun blocs you have!


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!