Friday, July 12, 2024

Beep! Beep!

Welcome to Treadlestitches!  Thanks for stopping by!


Isn't summer wonderful?  We've got blue skies, green grass,  and a fresh new quilt on the clothesline.  This one is a Double 4 Patch.  I call it Beep Beep.

The border is a cute light blue print I bought second hand at the museum sale in June.  The light fabric is also a transportation print.  A kid who loves cars and trucks will appreciate this one, I hope!  It will be donated locally.

Each block has 4 bright print squares (cut at 2.5 in.), 4 light print small squares (also 2.5 in.) and 2 larger squares (cut 4.5 in.).  The blocks are 8 in. finished.

This antique quilt was my inspiration.  The old standard 4 patch looked different with everything in the block being light except the four small squares.  I set the blocks side by side instead of separated by alternate blocks.

The back is this train print in mostly blue.  I found it in my 1930s repro bin, and put it right to work.  The binding is a solid blue.

Be careful on the roads, everybody!  Beep beep!

It's been fun hunting through the aqua scraps for this months Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks.  First are the 4 potato chip blocks, made from rectangles cut 2 in. x 3.5 in.  I have plenty of aqua, which I was surprised about.  It was harder hunting up light rectangles that looked right with it.  I also had far more greenish aqua than blueish.  I only made 1 blueish block, the other 3 are more greenish.

Here are the Aquakitties!  Does that sound like super heroes?  I really LOVE making these blocks!

Two of my favorites are the cat print (of course!) and the frog print.

I'm still working through scraps I bought at the big museum sale, like this one modeled by my adorable grandson aka Little Guy.  Looks like the original owner of this piece was into fussy cutting! 

The baby blue fabric is an adorable baby print.  There were two of those cut out pieces Little Guy was showing off in the scrap bag I bought.  I turned them into these strips, squares, and rectangles, and now they're stored away in the parts department.  They'll be ready when needed.

Summer is going by so fast!  I want to enjoy it as much as possible.  

So I've set some goals.

1.  Play outside more.

2.  Go barefoot in the grass.

3.  Eat watermelon til the juice runs down my chin.

4.  Run through the sprinkler with the kids!   


5.  Sew inside in the air conditioning if it's too hot out.

What are your goals for July?  I'd love to know!

Have a great week!

Thanks for reading,


Linking up with:

The Amazing Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge Queen Angela at SoScrappy

 Scrap Quilter Extraordinaire Cynthia at Oh Scrap

Check out these great blogs!


  1. I love those goals for July. They sound like just the right balance of work and play! The fussy cutting photo is adorable! So funny what people do to fabric.

    1. Thanks, Angela! I'm guessing the fussy cut quilt featured all those sweet babies in the print. Wish I knew what it looked like!

  2. What an awesome kid quilt. Beep Beep is a perfect name too. The picture of your grandson with the fabric brought a big smile to my face. Too cute!! Love the aqua blocks too of course.

    1. Thanks, Sara! Before I joined the RSC, I didn't use aqua much. Now I look for it everywhere!

  3. That is such a cute quilt! I love the design idea with those bright cutes and the fun background fabric. So fun to see all your aqua blocks, too. Aquakitties definitely could be super heroes! Your summer goals sound perfect, Sylvia! Have fun!

    1. Thanks, Diann! Sometimes I get too wrapped up in quilt goals. I love making quilts, but there is more to life than that!

  4. As always, a fabulous kid’s quilt! It is interesting how a design and layout can create such different quilts. Love the photo of your little with the holey cape. I can hear the Voice Over announcer saying, “here come the Aquakitties to the rescue!”

    1. Thanks, grammajudyb! I keep hearing the Underdog theme in my head as the Aquakitties fly in to save the day!

  5. The Double Four Patch is awesome-definitely will be loved by a child when received.

  6. What a terrific kid's quilt! What a wonderful variety of all the transportation and beep beep! I did eat some watermelon until the juice dripped. . .cold watermelon on a hot day. . .can life get better??--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Thanks, TerryK! Mmm, watermelon! I am so thankful for summer!

  7. beep Beep is awesome!! as is the quilt for inspiration!!
    Love your aquas!

    1. Thanks, Alycia! Isn't that a great old quilt? Antique quilts are great for ideas for new quilts.


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!