Saturday, January 18, 2025

Two Little Quilts, A Big Sale, and Bright Hopes

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!

I like a challenge.  My wonderful quilt guild has been having several challenges lately, and I was glad to participate.  This particular challenge was called Dots and Zigzags.  We were given paper bags with a small amount of zigzag print and dotted print, both in the same color.  The object was to use the fabrics to make anything we'd like, and bring it to the January meeting.

You guessed it, my fabrics were pink!  Which made it an extra challenge for me, since I'm not the biggest fan of pink.  Both fabrics in the bag were a kind of salmon color. We could add any fabrics we liked to the ones in the bag.  At first I was kind of stuck on bright vs. salmon vs. light pink.  Did they actually go together?  Then I found the green print in my stash, and noticed it had ALL the pinks in it.  That helped!  I even put the salmon-y zigzags next to a bright dotted print.

Of course I made a baby quilt!  It's just where my mind goes lol.  I pieced a row of light pink zigzags and another of dark pink zigzags and added the strips.  Simple quilting and voila.
The challenge entries were displayed at our last meeting, and I was blown away by their creativity and workmanship!  I also had no idea there were so many zigzag prints in existence.  My little quilt will be donated locally.

Here's the back, an adorable bird and flower print, with lots of pink!  (Debbie, does this look familiar?)  I was lucky enough to have this yardage in my stash, because my friend and I went to a sale last Saturday.

The sale was at the Textile Arts Center in Madison.  All sorts of sewing/knitting/crafting items donated to the center were sold for great prices.  Above is the major "loot" I got.  I always think of myself like a pirate at these sales, scooping up treasure.  Arr!  All told I bagged over 40 yards of pre-owned fabric.

That doesn't even count the scraps!  I made a scrap rainbow out of them when I got home.  Lots of them came from a UFO someone had started.  I'm looking forward to cutting them up.

Fabric shopping is fun of course, but the best part of the day was spending time with my friend.  We went out to lunch and spent time catching up, and Debbie gave me these fat quarters and thread as a birthday present.  She knows just what I like!  And the pink one in front is a cat print!  Thanks, Debbie, for a great day.

I'm still making flannel quilts for the annual Community Baby Shower, and I finished this one this week.  I'm having a terrible time getting the color right in the photos.  The background is actually a soft yellow.

The giraffes and happy monkeys were fun to work with. They also came from a sale a couple of years ago. 

Here's the back, a star print from another sale.  I probably have enough left to back two more small quilts.  The simple quilting is easy to do with the poly batting, and makes the quilt soft and cozy.

Snicky the cat thinks so!  I had to make him get off the quilt so I could bind it.  It now comes with cat cuddles.  Don't worry, it will be thoroughly washed before it goes to a baby.

This is a great time of year at the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  It's so much fun deciding which quilt blocks to make all year in all the colors.  I chose the Bright Hopes block to use up my 2.5 in. squares and 2.5 in. x 4.5 in. rectangles.

It's fun finding cute prints for these blocks.

The one with the unicorn center is my favorite!

Hubby and I are very excited this morning.  We're going to pick up our new kitten!  She's a lovely little rescue that our oldest daughter has been looking after for us.  I hope Snicky will be a good big brother to her.

Have a lovely week!

Thanks for reading,


Linking up with these wonderful ladies:

Angela at So Scrappy

Cynthia at Oh Scrap


  1. Your baby quilt turned out so cute in pink. The new fabric acquisition looks like fun! I recently found some treasures in a thrift shop.

    1. Thanks, Vicki! Good luck with your thrift shop find! Scrappy treasures are everywhere!

  2. That baby quilt is just adorable--nice work!! I love your RSC pink squares choice--really pretty...nice lot of fabrics you scored;)))
    who can resist all that loveliness...;)) Hugs, Julierose

    1. Thanks, Julierose! I love adding to the stash for cheap. Now I just need to see faster!

  3. I'd say you met the goals of the challenge perfectly, Sylvia! Your pink baby quilt is adorable and so is the yellow one. What size do you make them? And, oh boy, a new kitten - have fun!

    1. Thanks, Diann! The pink is a little smaller than my usual 36 in. x 42 in. The yellow is a little larger. It all evens out. I like not having to piece the backing.

  4. Great job on the pink challenge quilt! That green with the pinks makes it all tie together. So cute!

    1. Thanks, Sue! I was so glad to find that scrap of green and pink print in the big scraps basket.

  5. Such a darling baby quilt. I love all your pink blocks, but the zig zag challenge quilt really caught my eye. What a fun creative challenge.

    1. Thanks, Sara! Our program director is very creative. Plus we had a whole box of zigzag prints in the guild stash.

  6. Lots of lovely sewing here, and goodness, such treasures you bought. I do hope the new kitten settles in well.

    1. Thanks, Jenny! She seems pretty happy, but big brother Snicky is being a grouch. Early days yet.

  7. Dots and Zigzags turned out great. Wow, great loot!!!.

  8. You "nailed" that challenge! Bravo! Yes, salmon, pink, melon, they can play well together ... sometimes. In my book, pink and orange go well together, so mix them up. The pieced zigzag in the baby quilt, is inspiring me. It might be added to one of the baby quilt projects in flannel. Snicker is so precious. Hope all goes well with the introduction of the new family member. Enjoy your sewing time. ;^)

    1. Thanks, Chantal! You're so good with color. I tend to hesitate and second guess myself. We're slowly working on introducing Snicky and his new little sister to keep everyone safe and happy.

  9. Your Bright Hopes blocks are just perfect for RSC. I am saving rectangles this year to make one, maybe next year. You have so many new fabrics to enjoy. Congratulations on finishing up the zig zag baby quilt. It is adorable

    1. Thanks, Angela! Just when I think I am making headway with the scraps, I hit a fabulous sale and the scraps are overtaking me again. Gotta see faster!

  10. I love these quilts. The zig zag baby quilt is a little beauty.

  11. Nice how your group challenge lined up with the January RSC color! You did good at the textile sale! Great when things can be repurposed. Nice Bright Hopes blocks! And super nice you're getting a new kitty!

    1. Thanks, Nancy! I was surprised and pleased January was pink month! Pre-owned fabric is my favorite kind of recycling!

  12. Sweet way to combine your group challenge with the RSC color this month! Those Bright Hope Blocks are so pretty! Fingers crossed that Snicky is the perfect big bro!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Thanks, Terry, I got lucky with pink! Snicky isn't a fan of the kitten so far, but we're working on it.

  13. You did a great job with your pink dots and zigzags. Very creative putting them together. Sounds like you had a doubly good day -- great fabrics and lunch with a friend. Hope you have some more great shopping days coming up!

  14. Good job on that zig zag and dots quilt. I'm very impressed with all the useful fabrics you've found at yard sales, etc. Jealous too, I might add! Haha! Keep up the quilting mojo!!

    1. PS I'm looking forward to pictures of Snick's little sister!

    2. Thanks, Susie H! This was a really great sale with lots of variety. We're so lucky to have the new Textile center in Madison. I love recycling fabric!

  15. The challenge sounds fun, and you did a beautiful quilt with dots and zigzag! I love it! Pretty pink blocks too. Have fun with the new baby cat;)

  16. Very pretty pinks. Loving your progress and the animal fabrics are so cute.


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