Saturday, May 22, 2021

Scrappy Fun with Red

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!

(For people coming here from Confessions of a Fabric Addict, I apologize!  I totally messed up the photo and don't know how to delete it, sorry.)

I'm really enjoying working with red, the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color of the month.  Some solid red even found its way into this little scrap quilt, which I hope to finish soon.

Meanwhile, more red blocks!  These are the triangle squares ...

and the Happy Blocks.

Their centers are the color of the month in a novelty fabric, and the strips on the outside of the square are just whatever colors go with the center.  So of course they don't really look like red blocks at all.

Living in Wisconsin, I had to make this block to represent the dairy farms and cherry orchards, just a few of the things that make me happy.

Speaking of happy, I finally went back to quilt guild this month!  It was wonderful to see people again.  Being fully vaccinated is such a blessing.

And look what I found on the free table!  Lots of colorful scraps came home with me, to be made into more charity quilts.

In other happy news, Little Buddy turned five years old yesterday.  I made him a Reader Pillow from Allison Harris' pattern in Growing Up Modern.  Back in 2016, I made two of these pillows for Little Buddy's cousins.

The patchwork pocket is a handy place to keep a book or two.  And of course Little Buddy's books will be about dinosaurs (also birthday presents from us).

I only changed two things about this pattern.  I put a binding on the pocket, instead of turning the edge under, and I accidentally made the back opening vertical instead of horizontal.

Here's the young paleontologist chipping out a T. Rex skeleton from a kit as Grandpa watches.  The protective eye wear was Grandpa's excellent idea.

We also had fun with a toy that comes packed in slime.  (It was surprisingly easy to clean up.)

Yesterday evening we went to Little Buddy's birthday party at his house, the first social gathering we've attended since the pandemic started that wasn't just family.  It was nice to do something "normal" again. 

It was hard to get a good picture of Baby Buddy this week, he was moving so fast.  He loves being outside, and we had really good weather most of the week.  He will take off through the yard, and just screech with joy.  Here he's inspecting the grass.

This little friend was also inspecting the grass this morning.  It's eating a dandelion stem!  Maybe we should see if it has any friends who'd like to come over for lunch.  Free dandelions for everybody!

I'm hoping to get some gardening done this week, plus a little sewing, so I'd better get to it.  I hope you have a great week ahead, and if there's some quilting in it, so much the better!

Cheers for reading,


Linking up with:

Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Oh Scrap


  1. Happy spy blocks and pillows, love the idea of the pocket.
    I am so happy to know , you went back to quilt guild this month. God bless!

    1. Obrigada, Ivani! I am so lucky and grateful. All of these social interactions mean so much more now.

  2. Happy birthday, Little Buddy!!! Such a great gift you made for him, Sylvia. Lots of RED scrap sewing, too? Good for you!!

    1. Thanks, Joyful! He had a great birthday. I think playing outside with his friends was the best part.

  3. I like the red contributions to your projects

    1. Thanks, maggie! Red is such a great color. That must be why I keep using it up.

  4. Your happy blocks are definitely Happy, Sylvia! And happy birthday to Little Buddy, too. That pillow with dinosaur books is the perfect gift, along with a fossil to chip out of the rock! So glad you get to be with quilty and other friends again.

    1. Thanks, Diann! Life is starting to feel more normal, at last.

  5. Oh! A real guild reunion! I.N.V.U. Lucky girl. We are still in lockdown! (Sigh!) There was some good fabrics on that free table. Your Happy Blocks are so cute. ;^)

    1. Thanks, Chantal! I'm so sorry you're still in lockdown. I hope things get better soon. Take care!

  6. I love reading pillows....come to think of it they would be great gifts for adults as well! Your grands are precious! How lovely to be back with family and friends again!

    1. Thanks, Miaismine! I am so lucky to be able to start having a normal life again. Baby steps!

  7. Happy Birthday, Little Buddy! How wonderful to get back to guild meetings again!

    1. Thanks, Terry! It was so good to see people after more than a year.

  8. I love that reading pillow - Now I want one!!! Great job!


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