Saturday, May 1, 2021

In the Merry Month of May

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge color for May is red, so I'm making a start.

No matter how many Friendship Star quilts I make (3 so far, I think?), I just can't keep the piecing straight.  I have to pin up an example right in front of me so I get those triangles placed right.  Is this a common problem, or some kind of elderly dyslexia?

Come to think of it, I have the same sort of placement problem with other blocks, like these Poinsettia Stars.  It's especially bad since I only make them once a month.  

The large block is part of the Barbara Brackman Block of the Month, Hands All Around:  Alcotts at War.  April's block is for Louisa May Alcott herself.  (Click HERE for Ms. Brackman's first post on this quilt.)

Hey, dinosaur, come back with that quilt!

There it is, Little Buddy's new quilt, finally finished.  I bordered it with a light blue bandana print, and bound with dark blue.

He picked out all these fun/silly fabrics from my stash back in February. (Click HERE to see the top and it's transformation.) It was my Little Buddy's idea to pose the T. Rex on it and have it biting the edge.

Check out his haircut!  He's not too happy about it, but I think he looks very handsome.

The quilt backing is this Scooby-Doo print.  I bought it in an antique mall before the pandemic.  There were 10 yards of it!  When Bonnie Hunter was looking for Scooby fabric, I thought of it, but couldn't remember where I put it.  Once I found it, she already had what she needed.  There's enough left now to back a couple of baby quilts.

There's nothing like a grand child asking you every day if their quilt is finished to make a grandma buckle down and get done.  Ready for naptime.

The little Monsters or Aliens top I showed last week is done, too!  Baby Buddy very nicely posed for me with it.  It's ready to go to Little Lambs, as part of the Hands2Help charity quilt drive.

Here's the back.  I bought it as a remnant at a quilt show with my friend Debbie back in the good old days when we went to quilt shows in person.  (Remember?  Sigh.)

Do you recognize the kid TV show that inspired this fabric?  Are you humming the theme song now?  "Down the hills and round the bends, Thomas and his friends."  For a year or so, Little Buddy and I  watched Thomas the tank engine every day.  So of course I snapped up the fabric.  Maybe the child who gets this quilt will be a fan too.

A mad photographer was on the loose at our house yesterday.

He took this scary selfie...

and a sweet picture of his baby brother.

I'm a lucky grandma.

Whatever this week holds for you, I hope there's room for some fun.

Cheers for reading,


Linking up with these great hosts:

Angela at So Scrappy
Cynthia at Oh Scrap




  1. Super cute grandkids and fabulous fun quilts.

  2. Two fun quilts. Congratulations! Looks like the nap quilt is ready for some love. So glad the dinosaur helped to hold it down!

    1. Dinosaurs are always "helping" around here. It' been fun, but we're kind of ready for Little Buddy to find a new interest.

  3. Congrats on finishing these 2 cute quilts, Sylvia. It seems the grandkids approved and aare verry happy with grandma. Pretty stars blocks.

  4. I have the same problem with those Friendship stars, Sylvia! It always helps to have a model to compare to. Little Buddy's quilt is wonderful, and I love his great imagination with his dinosaur friends!

    1. Thanks, Diann! I'm glad to know it's not just me with the Friendship stars problem.

  5. Yep, I'm making some now and have to have the model in front of me too! Your grandkids are so fun- at least in these pics! Love the dino pulling the quilt.

    1. Hi, Sue! There must just be something tricky about these stars. I always have the seam ripper handy, just in case.

  6. great finishes - congrats I do hope that dinosaurs don't eat quilts

    1. Thanks, maggie! Little Buddy tells me his T. Rex is a meat eater, so the quilts are safe. Probably.

  7. Congratulations on TWO finishes and a good start on RED month, Sylvia!!

  8. I’m right there with you on putting the pieces together, and it’s not just Friendship Stars here! Love seeing Little Buddy’s quilt all done! Thanks for the link back to the reference regarding the slicing apart and putting back together! I remember reading it but had forgotten! Another “elderly issue”? Yikes!

    1. I have a new theory about not remembering stuff. I think our brains have a storage capacity shortage. I might remember lots more if I could just delete stuff like cereal jingles or the theme to Gilligan's Island.

  9. Love that the grandy picked out all his fabrics for the new quilt! Not sure about the dinosaur trying to est if though!
    There's nothing wrong with needing a reminder about which way the quilt pieces go, I'm the same as you and often need a visual prompt.

    1. Those naughty dinosaurs! I'll have to make sure they are all locked in their bin at night.
      I guess it's just sensible to have a block or a picture to look at. Saves having to rip!

  10. My pinwheels and friendship stars often get spinning the wrong way! So it's not just you :)

    1. Hi, Louise! I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one. Friendship star seems like such a simple block, yet I always have trouble with it.

  11. Yeah, I'm another who has to keep a 'model' block in view while I'm working. It's always a toss-up whether I'll use the seam-ripper or just start another quilt for using up the boo-boo blocks...

    1. Oh, that's a good idea! Maybe we could invent new patterns from the mistakes!

  12. Well, Little Buddy has wild taste, but it works great, doesn’t? Perfect quilt for a four-year old. I’m still scratching my head to figure out the trick of going from straight set to on point. Love the imagination of the dinosaur eating the quilt. What a fun guy. Grands are special!

    1. It's wild all right, but he's happy. We play an I Spy kind of game with it--find a dog, find Clifford, find a monster, etc.

  13. Whenever I make pinwheel blocks I have to tape one on the wall in front of my machine. If I don’t have a guide, they end up twirling in both directions.

    Great job on both quilts. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

    1. Oh, right, pinwheels are another one that gets confusing! Maybe it's the whole triangles thing? Anyway, thanks for the weekly inspiration.

  14. Sweet!! Little Buddy looks absolutely thrilled!!!

  15. He's pretty happy. I think he was starting to wonder if I'd ever get his quilt done. And hey, it only took a couple of months!


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