Saturday, January 20, 2024

Baby Quilts, Scraps, and Snow

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!  Thanks for stopping by!

Baby Quilts First:

More flannel baby quilts this week!  I'm finishing up my donations for the Community Baby Shower with one pink quilt and one blue one.  The pink one has this little teddy bear print as a plain block.

I cut the kit for this quilt last year, so it was easy to put together.

The back is this puppy print.  I got it and lots of other flannel yardage at a big second hand sale last February.

The second quilt is for a boy--and it says so right on it!  It's a panel I bought at a flea market.  I added the green border.

Both of these quilts have now been washed free of markings and cat hair, which was absolutely necessary.  My cat Snicklefritz LOVED them, and didn't want to get off them even when I was sewing down the binding.

I quilted a diamond grid in the center, and followed the printed lines in the border to quilt the clothesline, etc.  

The print on back says I Love Mommy I Love Daddy.  The remnant I had wasn't quite long enough, so I inserted the "cheater cloth".

This will be the last of the baby shower quilts.  I will probably drop them off this week, after adding a few baby necessities to the bag.  (FYI, click HERE to go to the web page for the event.)

How are you coming along with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge?  All the blocks posted are so inspiring! I started a couple more projects this week, and both are copying blocks other quilters are making.

I copied these Potato Chip blocks from Cathy at Sane Crazy Crumby Quilting.  Hers are 6 in. square, mine are 9 in.  All the pieces in mine are 2 in. x 3.5 in., and I have a small box full, so it's a good way to use them up.  The only hard part is deciding which pieces to put where.

The second set is a shaded rail fence.  I was inspired here by Julie of Julie's Quilts and Costumes, and she generously gave me permission to copy her idea.  I need to work on choosing fabrics for better contrast, though.

Is a UFO still a UFO if someone else started it?  Our quilt guild had a silent auction a few months ago, and I was lucky enough to take home lots of stuff, including some cute 4 patch blocks made with novelty prints (my favorite!). 

When sorting I discovered that there were 2 different sizes of 4 patches.  I finished the larger ones into a small quilt back in November, but I still had 15 of the smaller ones, which were an odd size.  The individual squares were cut at 2 1/4 in., and the small block would finish at 3 1/2 in.  

I didn't really want to cut more 2 1/4 squares to finish this project.  I had a box of 2 in squares that I wanted to use, so I cut the leftover 4 patches down to finish at 3 in.  Then the fun part, pairing up my 2 in. squares to make the rest of the blocks.  Now I have a kit in this cute little box.  I guess it's still a UFO though, until I finish it!

Look what came in my mail this week!  Novelty print scraps, sent by my friend Debby O. in Pennsylvania!

Dogs, pirates, cats, fish, wow!

Plus a vintage inspired Valentine print!  Thanks again, Debby, it will be so much fun sewing these up.

How's the weather where you live?  Here's what it looks like in my neighborhood.  All the houses are surrounded by these "snow forts", made when the plows cleared the streets.  Hubby had to dig the mailbox out.  All told, we got more than 16 inches over several days.

Unfortunately, these little guys couldn't play in it, due to the below zero temps that followed the snow.  So they were extra squirrelly this week.  Little Guy is using his finger to make himself a mustache, and Buddy's feet just can't stop moving.

It's supposed to warm up tomorrow, but not warm enough to melt the snow, so maybe they'll finally get to make snow men and snow angels.

What's ahead for your week?  I hope there's time for the things you love.

Thanks for reading,


Linking up with:

Angela at So Scrappy

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Sarah at Can I Get A Whoop Whoop

Cynthia at Oh Scrap


  1. Those flannel quilts are sweet as can be, Sylvia! I like the diamond grid quilting - I'll have to remember that. Those are some pretty green scraps in your RSC blocks - my greens are kind of depleted and not as much fun to sew with as yours look. That's a lot of snow! I hope the buddies can get out in it this week!

    1. Thanks, Diann! I am happily using up my green scraps too, might have to bust out the yardage!

  2. I love flannel baby quilts, yours are so nice and snuggly looking!

    1. Thanks, Jenny! The poly batting makes them warm and bouncy.

  3. Brrrr. . .too cold! Too much snow!!!!! I like your flannel quilt. You are so resourceful with adding to the bits to make the most precious finishes! Stay warm!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Thanks, Terry! I agree, too much snow! You stay warm, too!

  4. We had sub zero temps and even some singles digits that were -F with wind chill. We didn’t get the snow accumulation though! Only 4-6 inches. I always get inspired reading your blog. Hopefully I’ll use up my novelty prints this year! It’s a goal!

    1. Thanks, grammajudyb! Brr, those sub zero temps are no joke. Wrap up and stay warm! And good luck with the novelties!


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!