Saturday, May 25, 2024

Butterflies, Strings, Flying Geese, and Four Patches

 Welcome to Treadlestitches, and welcome to summer!

 The butterfly quilt top is finished at last!  I couldn't resist displaying it in our lilac bush.  All the rain we've had lately has made everything outside happy and lush.  The lilac smell is heavenly.

Here's a clothesline photo that shows the quilt a little better.  There was a breeze this morning when I was taking pictures, can you tell?  I tried to snap one during a lull.

This quilt was started years ago by a quilter associated with the church where our quilt guild meets.  The church ladies had several unfinished projects they asked us to complete and give to charity.  Here's what I started with:

There were also several yards of unbleached muslin.  I cut the big butterflies up to make the pieced butterfly's large wings, plus triangles for the pieced border.

The cotton gingham and the blue print border came from my vintage stash.  I enjoyed putting this together.  I'm not sure if I'll quilt it myself, or hand it off to the lovely long-arm quilters in the guild.  I'm thinking it could go to a local hospice or some other appropriate charity.

Meanwhile, I'm working on pink scraps for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, aiming to finish up by the end of the month.

I didn't have a lot of pink strings, so there's not a lot of variety, but a lot of scraps were tidied up.

Then there were the 3D flying geese.  With only one seam they're quick to sew.  Several of these appear to be cupcake prints.  Wonder why those always catch my eye lol.

I love this happy little frog!

We went to a flea market last Sunday, and it was just a perfect day.  I saw this vintage quilt, and thought it was interesting.  I always like patterns that chain.  A closer look revealed that it was a double 4 patch, with the same white fabric in the 4 patches and the larger squares within the pieced blocks.  Hmm.  Wonder how many variations on 4 patches there are?

Here's another one, with 4 patches on point like square in a square.  This quilt was 100% polyester.  I grew up with polyester, I wasn't tempted to buy it, but collectors and museums are including them now.  Definitely part of quilt history.

 Little Guy wants to show you his mean face.  Try not to be scared!

He is ferocious!

It's Memorial Day on Monday here in the US, a time to remember family and friends who have passed away.  Today I'm thinking about my maternal grandmother.

This is Gran, holding my oldest daughter, her first great-grandchild.  She never liked having her picture taken (me either!), so we have fewer photos of her than we'd like.  I'm glad we have this one where she looks very happy.  I am so lucky and thankful to have had her in my life.

Happy Memorial Day, and have a wonderful week ahead.



Linking up with:

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Angela at So Scrappy

Cynthia at Oh Scrap


  1. The HST border is a great choice to surround the butterfly blocks. It is a great quilt for a hospice patient.

    1. Thanks, Gwyned! I hope it can be a little bright spot for someone.

  2. What a lovely reuse of those pretty gifted butterflies. Such pretty pinks in your string blocks. The pinks left in my stash are leaning toward mauve and brownish pinks

    1. Thanks, grammajudyb! A couple of years ago I was complaining about not having many pink scraps, and a friend sent me a whole bag! I still have a few left.

  3. The butterfly quilt turned out wonderfully, Sylvia! I'm so impressed that you figured out how to make it from the original butterflies. Fun to see what you came across at the flea market - I also like chain designs in quilts. What a precious photo of your grandmother and your daughter! I have a photo of my MiL (who passed away a few years ago)holding our oldest son like that on our fridge. It's good to have those memories!

    1. Thanks, Diann! I've been thinking more about that chain design. I just might make a little quilt in that pattern. Inspiration comes from everywhere!

  4. Sylvia, I was terrified of Mean Little Guy! Lol!!! The butterfly quilt is lovely and I love hearing how some of us are completing UFOs of others. Your grandmother looks very happy holding your daughter. Hope your weekend is going great!

    1. Thanks, Susie H! I'll tell Little Guy how scary he is! I love finishing other people's UFOs, even though I have lots of my own. Have a good week!

  5. You certai ly changed the look of those butterflies, and the pieced border looks lovely. It must be xo nice to have an old family photo like that. I only had one grandmother, my father's mother, but don't remember her at all. My mothers mother died when she was about 12 years old.

    1. Thanks, Jenny! I'm sorry you didn't get to know your grandmothers. When I was a child we lived with my mother's parents. Gran was like my second mother.


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