Saturday, May 4, 2024

I May Like Pink!

Welcome to Treadlestitches!

It's the beautiful month of May, and the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color is pink.  I saw this amazing tree on my walk yesterday, just exploding with pink blossoms.  Breathtaking!

I wanted to get started on the pink scraps, but didn't have a lot of sewing time. Sew, I made just 6 of these little cats.

Isn't this print terrific?  I got it in a scrap bag as a prize for making a Positivity quilt.  The scrap bag came from Preeti Harris of sewpreetiquilts.  (Thanks, Preeti!)  This little kitty is a tiger inside!

More pink!  I spent last week in Oklahoma visiting with my Mom and my sister and my sister's family.  One day Mom and I took a walk in a lovely park.  I used to say I didn't like the color pink, but nature is trying to  change my mind.  (The wind was blowing hard here, can you tell?)

There were several of these funny little elf houses in the park.  They're not for birds or animals, they're just for fun.

The Canada geese had fluffy little babies running around.  Sorry the goslings are blurry, they wouldn't stop moving!

When I travel I don't usually take any sewing with me, but I like to have some mindless knitting to do in the evenings.  I made these dishcloths at Mom's, and then gave them to her.  The colorful yarn came from the free table at Quilt Guild.  (Thanks, Joy!)

After I got home I worked on the rest of the yellow RSC projects from April.  I'm calling these Grocery Chains because I'm sewing the little scraps onto the paper grocery receipts .

It's fun to revisit all these yellow scraps, ranging from bright as day to nearly white.  It's like an I Spy game.  Can you find a blue hippo, a slice of watermelon, upside down red shoes, and a tiny pink bird?

This is my sister's cat, Velcro.  Does he remind you of anybody?  My sister and I adopted Tuxedo kittens at about the same time.  My Snicky has a look-alike cousin!

I had a wonderful visit with family and I'm so glad I went.  Safe travels to anyone going places this summer.  Have a great week, and happy quilting!

Thanks for reading,


Linking up with these wonderful quilt blogs:

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Angela at So Scrappy, home of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Cynthia at Oh Scrap





  1. Velcro is a great name for a Kitty!

    1. I think so too! He kept clinging to his people when he was a kitten, so the name was perfect.

  2. That sounds like a lovely trip, Sylvia! I saw baby geese at the golf course the other day - it's that time of year, isn't it?! You always have fun scrappy sewing to share. Those grocery chains are neat!

    1. Thanks, Diann! I'm using up lots of small scraps on the grocery chains. Not sure why they're not disappearing though lol.

  3. Lovely little cat blocks. You certainly have some quirky scraps.

  4. Hi Sylvia! Velcro is as adorable as his cousin! 😉 I love your colorful yellow strip. It’s the same idea I’m doing, but using grocery receipts as a foundation is genius! I have old adding machine tape I should use.

    1. Thanks, Cathy! Adding machine tape works great, I have a friend who is using it. (But the grocery receipts are free!)

  5. Sounds like a great trip to catch up with family. I do like the name Velcro! The orange cat print on the pink background is a great fabric! What interesting blocks you are making!!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  6. The tree is GORgeous! So are your kitty blocks. Sounds like you had a lovely trip. Velcro is adorable. My sister's cat is called Velcro too. I guess it is a popular name when one gets a sticky cat. Enjoy! ;^)

  7. We always loved the geese and goslings; the mamas can be so protective. When my kids were little we would call them crossing guards. Love all your pink, especially the blossoms and flowers.


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!