Welcome to Treadlestitches! And welcome to March!
It's also the first week of yellow month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
I "accidentally" featured yellow this week in a top I made for a local charity, not knowing it would be March's color.
Little Lizzy, the Quilter's Cat Trainee at my house, is examining the top. Her skills are still a work in progress, but she is very willing to learn. And play, of course!This is the third time I have made a quilt in this pattern. It comes from the book above, S is for Scraps by Gayle Bong. The example in the book has a bright yellow solid in the same places I do, plus the border. This is the block: 6 scrap squares, plus a yellow rectangle. The popsicle fabric is the border. The blocks are turned back and forth, the same way as a Rail Fence quilt.
When I found out what the new color for March would be, I started cutting pieces from my yellow Big Scraps for my RSC blocks. I don't have much yellow sadly, although I like it, and it really brightens up a scrap quilt. I still need to cut background pieces for most of the blocks.
The Bright Hopes blocks only need a light center square and four rectangles, so I started them first. The light centers came from the 2.5 in. square drawer. Some of the rectangles came from the Big Scraps, others from my box of 2.5 in. x 4.5 in. pieces.
Temps in the 40s and even low 50s this week are almost making me believe in spring, even though I know we are usually in for more snow in March and April. But spring is definitely coming sooner or later, and that's something to look forward to.
Have a lovely week, whatever the weather!
Thanks for reading,
Linking up with:
Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday
Angela at So Scrappy
What a beautiful portrait of your gorgeous cats! And so many beautiful quilts here too. So many pretty blocks and yes those sunny yellow chains are so pretty too.