Saturday, March 1, 2025

Bright and Sunny

Welcome to Treadlestitches!  And welcome to March!

It's also the first week of yellow month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 

I "accidentally" featured yellow this week in a top I made for a local charity, not knowing it would be March's color.


Little Lizzy, the Quilter's Cat Trainee at my house, is examining the top.  Her skills are still a work in progress, but she is very willing to learn.  And play, of course!

This is the third time I have made a quilt in this pattern. It comes from the book above, S is for Scraps by Gayle Bong.  The example in the book has a bright yellow solid in the same places I do, plus the border.  

This is the block:  6 scrap squares, plus a yellow rectangle.  The popsicle fabric is the border.  The blocks are turned back and forth, the same way as a Rail Fence quilt. 

 I just love a design that chains across the quilt!  As you can see, most of the squares are my faves, bright novelty prints.

I made 35 blocks, so I needed 210 squares. All the squares came from this drawer, with the exception of a few purples and yellows for variety.  This is the photo AFTER I made the blocks.  Maybe I need to find another project for these?

When I found out what the new color for March would be, I started cutting pieces from my yellow Big Scraps for my RSC blocks.  I don't have much yellow sadly, although I like it, and it really brightens up a scrap quilt.  I still need to cut background pieces for most of the blocks.

The Bright Hopes blocks only need a light center square and four rectangles, so I started them first.  The light centers came from the 2.5 in. square drawer.  Some of the rectangles came from the Big Scraps, others from my box of 2.5 in. x 4.5 in. pieces.

With far less variety than I had with blue, I'm just mixing everything in together.

If you're making blocks for the Many Hands and Many Hearts block drive, don't forget to mail them in!  The drive ended yesterday, which is when I finally made it to the post office.  I sent a small batch, just ran out of time to make more.  I especially like to participate when the drive asks for novelty prints, since I have lots.  Many Hand and Many Hearts is organized by Cynthia of the Quilting is More Fun Than Housework blog.

The dragon block is my favorite!  Thanks to my friend Joey for sending me this awesome scrap!

Our cats are getting along better every day.  Both of them are excited by the birds outside.  I couldn't believe they posed like this, I had to run and get my phone/camera.

Temps in the 40s and even low 50s this week are almost making me believe in spring, even though I know we are usually in for more snow in March and April.  But spring is definitely coming sooner or later, and that's something to look forward to.

Have a lovely week, whatever the weather!

Thanks for reading,


Linking up with:

Angela at So Scrappy

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful portrait of your gorgeous cats! And so many beautiful quilts here too. So many pretty blocks and yes those sunny yellow chains are so pretty too.


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!