Saturday, March 22, 2025

Panel Pieces, Happy Blocks, and Bowties

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!  Thanks for stopping by!

  Yes, it's another Happy Blocks quilt this week.  I've actually lost track of how many of these I've made.  It's such a fun and easy design for a child's quilt.  This time it's a little different, because the centers are made from panel pieces.

Are you wondering what I mean by panel pieces?  Or do you also have a bag like this, full of off cuts and scraps of panels and striped fabric?  I was thinking about this bag after a conversation with my friend Joey brought up a stray thought.  What if I cut squares from the panel scraps and bordered them with solid colors?

I chose pieces from the bag that had similarly sized motifs and similar colors, in this case bright rather than pastel.  This animals panel was one of them.
This elephant came from that panel.  (Please excuse the loose thread I somehow didn't see when I snapped the photo!)

There were also a few striped pieces I could cut into squares.  This one had birds and butterflies and bugs and bees.

Here's how it turned out.

Two of my favorite panels/stripes got cut up before I thought of taking photos.  I love this cute little tiger and all his friends.  Even the snake.  The orange is brighter in person.

The tiger face in the aqua square was one of six animals in a panel scrap.  I'm not even sure where it came from.  I used all six.  I think kids will like them.

The blocks are 8 in. finished.  I'm not planning on adding a border, so the quilt will finish at 40 in. x 48 in.  I'm going to quilt this one myself and donate it to Project Linus locally.

Yellow month marches on lol.  I have loved making these big Bowtie blocks.

I had more fun yellow prints that I thought I did!

The dog square is my favorite.

I hope I'll have time to finish my yellow blocks this week, but I've started a big project that's taking a lot of time.  I'm doing a basement clean out of my quilting stuff.  This week it was the flannel fabric.  Above is a big bin with flannel pieces big enough for backing.  I've arranged them like this so I can open the lid and see just what I have.  (Thanks to Marie Kondo for the idea.)

Smaller pieces of flannels are arranged in these bins.  The small ones on the top hold strips and squares.  The rest are arranged by color within sizes of small, medium, and large.  I love seeing these bright prints, and I'm hoping it will inspire me to use them up.

This stack is less pretty.  More cut pieces on top, solid colored flannel in the blue bin, and scraps and larger strips in the green one.  Organized, and ready to use.  It feels good!

The cats are trying to "help" me.  Lizzie is inspecting a pile of wool fabric I'm re-homing.

Snicky worked so hard he had to go take a nap.

Yesterday I took Little Guy to the doctor.  He's had a cold and needed some meds for a potential ear infection.  It was the first time he ever wore a mask.  I thought he was cute, but he was not a fan.  I had to bribe him with Pokemon time to get him to keep it on.

Everyone with colds is on the mend, the weather is getting nicer, and spring break for my youngest grandsons is next week.  We're hoping good times will be had by all.

Including you!  Have a wonderful week!

Cheers for reading,


Linking up with these lovely ladies and their linky parties.  Come join us!

Angela at So Scrappy

Cynthia at Oh Scrap


  1. Glad the Little Guy is on the mend from the cold. Great job organizing the fabrics. I've made small attempts lately to do the same, but always seem to get distracted by projects I want to make. Using the panel pieces and stripes in the Happy Blocks - just awesome! The bowties made me think that there is a little box in some drawer in my sewing room with bowtie blocks. Wonder where those are.

  2. I thought wearing a mask took some getting used to, and I'm a grown-up! I bet it felt pretty strange to your little guy. Your Happy Blocks quilt is very happy, Sylvia! Perfect way to use up some panel pieces. Good luck with your basement clean out. I could stand to do some of that myself!

  3. Love your happy blocks!! those with the panel are perfect!! our guild is doing them for some kids quilts, so thank for the inspiration. I am with Little guy - I hated masks ( okay I still don't like them)

  4. You can't go wrong with happy blocks, they always make such fun quilts. That's a great idea to roll your fabrics in he crate, so you can see what you have. So much better than just picked on top of each other.

  5. I agree with Jenny and Marie Kondo. It’s a great idea to store fabric in rolls. Thanks for sharing. These days I have to label EVERYTHING.

  6. Great panel quilt. Love it! Love the yellow bowties too. Can you please come to my place and organize my flannel? Pretty please? It's a constant battle here. Glad to hear that the little ones are winning their battle against the cold. Enjoy! ;^)

  7. All those character scraps are so cute to look through!!! Great use featuring them in squares!!!

  8. What a great idea! Your clean up is guilting me into considering a redo of my fabric stash. I plan to resist! LOL

  9. What a wonderful way to use the scraps from panels! I love your finished Happy Blocks top! Great idea about how to store your flannel backing fabrics in rolls so you can see what you have!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  10. Cute new quilt top, Sylvia! Best of luck with the basement organization and hope Little Guy feels better soon.


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!