Friday, February 18, 2022

Chasing the Lights

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!

Don't you just love aqua?  Like lots of you, I've been cutting and sewing aqua scraps for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this month.  Before the RSC, I seldom used aqua at all.  It's not exactly blue and not exactly green, and I just didn't really know what to do with it.  There are so many cute aqua prints though, and once I started making blocks with them, I was hooked! So now I enjoy adding them to my Rainbow quilts (and others!) every year.

Here's the aqua double row for the Razzle Dazzle quilt.  (Click HERE for the start of this quilt, with the red row.)

Some of the "usual suspects" are here--Scooby Doo, robots, etc., cut from 3.5 in. strips like the split nine patch blocks I made last month.

The light aqua triangle in the center of this photo is from a library print layer cake I won at a retreat.  It's printed to look like the old date stamps we used before computers, when we stamped cards and/or date slips with due dates.  My fingers used to get ink stained changing the date every morning.  I'm not sorry we left those days behind.

Razzle Dazzle takes an equal number of dark and light triangles.  The light fabrics are the hardest to find.  (By the way, a little green alien is waving at you!)  I'm always looking for more cute light prints.

Hey, I found some!  Last Saturday, I went to a quilt show for the first time in two years (!), and bought these lights from vendors.  Doing the happy dance!

The show is simply called the Winter Quilt Show, and is put on by the Wisconsin Museum of Quilts & Fiber Arts.  (Click HERE to see the winning quilts.  Note, you will have to scroll down a bit, past the entry info, etc.).  The quilts were amazing.  The entry form included a place for Quilt Story, where the makers could tell about their inspirations, how they made it, etc.  So many of them referenced the pandemic, and lots of them said they kept busy at home during lock downs by finishing projects.  (Can you relate?)

More lights, this time reproduction 1800s prints.  Just can't quit those repros, especially when they're blue and white.

I got lots more stuff, which may make it into a later post.  Basically I looked for cute fabrics with a good price, like always.  I even got Girl Scout cookies for hubby and me.

Back home again, I'm working on cutting up my light scraps from this basket of fabric trimmed from quilt backs.

 Plus I'm pulling in the Big Scraps in whites and creams for next month's RSC blocks.

Babysitting this week started out very sweet, with Little Buddy, Baby Buddy, and their teenaged brother (I'm calling him Big G) here on Monday.

The little boys were happiest when building roads and towers together.  (BTW, the tail in the foreground is a big plastic dinosaur).

Last Monday was Valentine's Day, so of course we made cookies.  I had to pull the plug on that activity when they started eating the cookie dough big time.  A taste, maybe that's okay, but not HANDFULS!  Later, when Baby Buddy was napping, Little Buddy and I did the decorating.  Guess which ones he did.  Hint--for him, too much is not enough.

It was a crazy week with kids' activities, plus Little Buddy caught the stomach flu that was going around in his kindergarten class, so not a lot of sewing got done, but there is this.

I pulled out a set of blocks from the "Some Assembly Required" basket, and I'm sewing them into rows.

Check out this cheeky monkey!  He knows he's not supposed to have a remote!  He's grinning at me, like saying "Look what I've got!"  I laughed and took his picture, definitely encouraging him.  (Oops!)  I hope all the channels aren't scrambled.

How was your week?  I hope it was fun, and filled with what you love to do.  

Cheers for reading,


Linking up with:

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Angela at So Scrappy  

Cynthia at Oh Scrap




  1. Love the cheeky monkey! Your use of fabrics with a story to tell is great, I can just imagine it when the boys trail there fingers across the shapes and find all those treasures hiding in plain sight!

    1. Thanks, Maggie! My little boys do love to find all the little pictures in the fabrics!

  2. Sounds like a great week at your place! Our littles also got the bug and Bubba and Gram are still working thru it! Love your lights and yes they are not as easy to find as I thought! Doing an hourglass and it took a lot of digging and sorting to find enough lights. Have fun!

    1. Oh, Deb, I'm so sorry you're sick! It's one of the downsides of looking after the grandkids. Hourglass is on my someday list.

  3. Those Razzle Dazzle blocks are wonderful, Sylvia! You are so good at getting all those triangle points to match. Looks like you found some good stuff at the quilt show, and it sounds like it was fun to attend, too. I sure hope Little Buddy didn't share the stomach bug!

    1. Thanks, Diann! Don't look too closely at those points, some of them are way off! So far we're not sick, thank goodness. And Little Buddy was lots better on Friday.

  4. love your razzle dazzle blocks - great stitching there.

  5. A wonderful razzle dazzle quilt! RSC helped me to learn to use aqua in my quilts... I was the same as you and didn't understand it before.

  6. I love all that fabric mix on your aqua double row for the Razzle Dazzle quilt, Sylvia.

  7. Loving your newest design with little triangles. That is going to be an awesome quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  8. Razzle Dazzle is going to be amazing!!!

  9. I love the alternating light and dark novelty prints. For some reason I never buy the light ones. I need to do that!


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!