Saturday, December 16, 2023

Dancing the Two Step

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!  Thanks for visiting!

This week I finished a little Two Step quilt.  The free pattern is from Missouri Star.  (Click HERE for the video.)

The pattern title made me think of my Dad, teaching me to two step when I was a young teenager.  He was a good dancer.  It was fun to watch him polka with my mom, both of them laughing.

The blocks are simple, just one charm square (the one with wild dots), two short rectangles 2.5 in. x 5 in., and two long rectangles 2.5 in. x 9 in.  The blocks finish at 8.5 in. square.

Cutting was fast and easy.  I have a box of 2.5 x 5 in. rectangles, and I pulled from that for the short ones.  I cut the longer rectangles as I was processing scraps, and filled in from the 2.5 in. strips.  That left only the charm squares to cut.  I didn't repeat any of the fabrics in the blocks, except for the wild dots of course.  The border is a Toy Story print, left over from another quilt.

The hard part was setting the blocks together!  Jenny kind of hurries that part at the end of the video, and I really didn't get what she was talking about.  I had to play with the blocks for a long time to figure out how best to set them.  Not sure if I got that right yet, but moving on!

The back is more of the subtle butterfly print on white, and I bound it with a solid aqua.  I'm enjoying using solid colors for binding, especially with these wild colored quilts.

To make the back wide enough, I added this strip of frog print down the middle.  I got this scrap at a yard sale last summer, and it's just too pretty to cut into small pieces.  (Skies are gloomy here today, it's hard to get the right light for photos, sorry.  The background really is white, I promise.)

It's nice to find a good use for this fabric.  The quilt will be donated to a children's charity.

This week I started working on some baby quilts.  How is that any different than any other week, you may ask.  Most of my quilts are definitely baby-sized, but are intended more for toddlers, who enjoy looking at all the fun animals etc. in the prints.   These new quilts are meant for actual babies.  Here in the Milwaukee area, local TV station anchor Susan Kim and Waterstone Bank are again hosting a Community Baby Shower in January.  (Click HERE for information.)  Last year was the first year I contributed anything.  This year I wanted to start earlier.

This little top was one of those DrEAMI quilts--Drop Everything And Make It!  I had a pack of charm squares I bought when visiting a quilt shop with a friend (hi, Debbie!) and I added in some stash squares.

These elephants are so sweet!  

I've seen pictures of quilts like this online for years, usually with plain white strips in between the squares, but I wanted to use the footprint print.  I don't have the quilt pattern, I just figured it out (And did the math!  And it actually worked!).  If anybody knows the original designer, I'd be happy to give them credit.

It's 36 in. square without a border.  I'm trying to decide if I should add a border or just finish it as it is.  Back in the day it would have been a good candidate for Jack's Basket, but they don't accept quilts this size anymore. 

Something weird has been happening.  Every morning, Hubby and I find one of these red candles out of its holder.  We figure it must be Snicky the cat, but there are no teeth or claw marks on the candle.  Just a curious case of the cat in the night.

No photos of the little boys this week, sorry.  Little Guy has had a bad cold, and been home from preschool all week.  He's feeling better aside from a cough.  We're trying to get him healthy for Christmas.

Speaking of the Holidays, Christmas stress is real!  We're shopping and hiding presents and hoping we haven't forgotten anything.  I bought some new wrapping paper the other day, and it was hard to choose from all the cute ones.  I wish they made these in fabric!

Have a good week, whatever you're up to!  Happy Holidays to all who celebrate, and happy quilting to everyone!

Thanks for reading,


Linking up with:

Sarah at Can I Get A Whoop Whoop

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Angela at So Scrappy

Cynthia at Oh Scrap





  1. Your Two Step quilt is cute, Sylvia! I think you had a great idea for the setting - just turning each block one way or the other. I love the baby charm square quilt, too - I would like to try that layout sometime, too. Have a great week getting ready for Christmas! Hope Little Guy feels better by then.

    1. Thanks, Diann! We were all healthy for Christmas, which is a minor miracle itself. Happy New Year!

  2. Your two step quilt is super cute! I like the way you set the blocks! Have a great week. I hope Little Guy feels better. . .Christmas colds are the worst!---TerryK@OnGoingProjects

    1. Thanks, Terry! Little Guy got better, Buddy got sick, and then they both got better before Christmas! We feel very lucky.

  3. I can't imagine there could a be a wrong way to set the two step blocks, since they are so scrappy. It will be fun looking over the quilt and playing I Spy.

    1. Thanks, Gwyned! Jenny did say her husband came up with 2 or 3 layouts. I was happy as long as I didn't have a lot of seams to match!

  4. Two lovely quilts. I watched the Missouri Quilts video and, like you, was a bit puzzled by Jenny’s quick explanation of how she arranged the blocks. I think I will make one like this is the future using all sorts of scraps, like you did as I don’t generally buy jelly rolls. Hope all the family gets well in time to enjoy Christmas.

    1. Thanks, Linda! We were all well, even the little boys. Hope your holidays were good too.

  5. Wow Sylvia - such cute quilts! I understand you wanting to give credit for the design on the second quilt but I think many many quilters have made/designed that one. I wouldn't be too concerned. Looks like you were able to make that with one charm pack, if I counted correctly. That is a great way to use up charms - I have many packs that I have won or been gifted. I need to use them up this year!!

    Happy Holidays to you and your family. Stay healthy!
    needleandfoot at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks, Bernie! The quilt takes 48 charms: 4 in the center, 16 in the first round, and 28 in the second round. Happy Holidays to you too!


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