Saturday, December 9, 2023

I Spy A Little Quilt, and Going Bananas

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!

 I spy a little I Spy quilt hanging on the clothesline!  

It's made of 5 in. (cut) squares.  I was inspired by this quilt top (below) that I finished for the quilt guild a few weeks ago:

The top was donated by a very generous quilter, who made a nice big stack of tops during the pandemic lockdown.  For this one she used novelty prints (my favorite!), alternating between light and dark.  People, I tried to do the same for my quilt, but the randomness of it drove me nuts.  I loved the look of the original quilt, but I just cannot do random! So I picked an alternate fabric from the stash and calmed it down a little.

Do you make kits for yourself?  I often do, especially when I'm cutting up scraps.  I can get excited about an idea for a quilt, get it ready, and then work on it when other projects are done.  That's what I did with this little one.  

As I was putting it together, I started noticing that most of the prints featured animals:  dinosaurs, cows, bugs, birds, plus fictional animals like Scooby-Doo and Daniel Tiger, and even a tiny bit of Bucky Badger.  Then I remembered that I did this on purpose when I made the kit!  (This is why I'm writing this stuff down now!)

Before I remembered my plan, I replaced one of the animal squares with this banana one.  Oops!  So it's all animals, plus one banana square.  Even the border is a grasshopper print.

The backing is butterflies on white.  The new poly batting is working out great, and will make the quilt warm and snuggly for the recipient.  (Thanks again, Joey!)

I had bananas on my mind last night when I was choosing a border for another Bricks quilt, so this happened.  I bought this bananas-on-denim print at a flea market, and now I'm down to only a yard left.  I'll show the whole quilt when it's done.

Update on the GSAFE auction:  The original goal was to raise $30,000.  The actual total was $37,337!  My three quilts brought in over $600.  I am over the moon!  I was just hoping they would get even one bid.  The money will be used to help LGBTQ kids in schools.   (Click HERE for their web site.)

We're getting our Christmas decorations out a little at a time.  Buddy and Little Guy helped put tiny ornaments on this tree and regular ornaments on the big tree.  They are handy to have around.

Who says kids need expensive toys?  Little Guy's favorites this week are actual rocks!  We gathered these at the lake several months ago.  They're great for loading into train cars or dump trucks.  I wonder if he'll have as much fun with his Christmas presents?

I hope you're having a wonderful week.  Happy Hanukah to all who celebrate!

Thanks for reading,


Linking up with these wonderful quilters:

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Angela at So Scrappy

Sarah at Can I Get A Whoop Whoop

Cynthia at Oh Scrap


  1. How wonderful that your quilts brought in a good dollar amount for that charity.

    1. I'm amazed frankly, but very grateful. Maybe I'll make something for next year's auction too.

  2. I love your patchwork animal quilt, Sylvia! You always find the best "background" prints that tie the scraps together. I think the bananas fit in just perfectly - someone in those other squares will need bananas to eat! Having little guys to help decorate sounds like the best fun!

    1. Thanks, Diann! There are definitely monkeys on the quilt! And our little "monkeys" are great helpers!

  3. You aren't alone in your "can't do random", Sylvia. When I was coordinating my Lutheran World Relief Quilt Drive, a number of friends felt the need to introduce fabrics from their own stash to calm the chaos of the donated squares that I had curated into kits. Congrats on your quilt finish!

    1. Calming the chaos--that's my daily life lol! Have a great week!

  4. I have trouble with random too, and blame this on the fact that I'm a Libra, sign of the scales of justice. I like things nice and balanced!

    1. Hi, Jenny! You are so right, balance is important in quilting, and in life. Have a lovely week!

  5. I like the star print as your alternate to the ISPY fabrics. Very clever!

    1. Thanks, Pat! It was leftover from another quilt, just waiting for a job.

  6. I also find it difficult to put random blocks next each other.i enjoy seeing other people’s Orphan blocks quilts but struggle to do the same. I have made some but never sure that are look quite right.

    1. That's how I feel, too. I have a friend who is much more relaxed about putting blocks and random fabric together. She says I worry too much!

  7. nice that your quilts earned some money for a group of kids not always recognized as needing help

    1. I am very happy about that too. Young people are so vulnerable, especially when they feel like outsiders. The active hate they face is shocking.

  8. your quilt needed the banana so the animals had something to munch on haha!! COngrats on the quilt - that is awesome!!!

  9. You could name that quilt, "Bananas over Animals!!" I too have trouble with random. I don't make kits for a project, unless I'm stitching leaders/enders. .. then I cut a little and sew a little! How wonderful that your quilts did so well and that the auction went well. Your decorator team looks to be quite efficient!---TerryK@OnGoingProjects


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!