Saturday, April 2, 2022

Is It Spring Yet?

Welcome to Treadlestitches!  Happy April!

And the April color of the month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge is (drum roll please) pink!  Isn't it fun to get a new color?  I always start the month pulling out the big scraps and small yardage to see what I've got to work with.  

 As usual, there is some cute stuff and some weird stuff.  (Note to self, I've got to find a use for these pigs!)

Most of the time, I'm making baby-sized quilts to be donated.  I like to make what I call Everybody Quilts, that could be given to either boys or girls.  If I use pink, that usually restricts the quilts to girls because pink is considered a girl color.  I have heard that charities receive more "girl" quilts than "boy" quilts (not sure if this is true?) so I concentrate on colors that will work with either gender.

But sometimes I find a really cute pink fabric like this animal print, and make one just for a little girl.  I bought this fabric second hand at a big sale, and the four patch blocks came from our guild's silent auction.  I had no idea pink was going to be April's color when I finished this last week.

The back is a pink/lavender print.  I showed this quilt on the blog last Sunday as an example of an easy pattern for Hands 2 Help.

I also showed this one, as a top.  It's now quilted and bound and even washed.

This is another one of my little bricks quilts, made with scraps 2.5 in. x 3.5 in. that I call little bricks.  The "recipe" is on last Sunday's blog, and is very easy.  (Why is there always a headless dinosaur on my quilts?)

The back is this fun circles print, and I went with a green binding.  Both of these quilts will go to the Little Lambs Foundation, as part of Hands 2 Help.

I took these photos on Friday.  Here's what it looked like on Thursday:

Seriously?  What about that thing we learned in elementary school, about March coming in like and lion and going out like a lamb?  Maybe that's not valid in Wisconsin.  At least most of the snow melted away by the next afternoon.

This week was my kindergarten buddy's spring break, and he got to go to the Milwaukee Public Museum to see the T. Rex display.  He was so excited to learn new dino facts.  We had planned to take his little brother too, but my Little Guy had a bad cold, so I stayed home with him.

 We're trying to teach him to wipe his nose, and he's doing pretty well when reminded, but covering his mouth when coughing and sneezing is just beyond him.  I've been thinking a lot about that scene in Jurassic Park when a dinosaur spits poison in a park employee's face.  No surprise, I caught his cold.  I'm resting and drinking lots of tea and water, and hoping to be fine by Monday.

Meanwhile, it's snowing again (!).  Should be a good day to stay inside and quilt.

Here's hoping you're in the pink this week!

Cheers for reading,


Linking up with:

Angela at So Scrappy

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Cynthia at Oh Scrap 





  1. Cute kiddie quilts! I really like your little bricks pattern and will have to keep it in mind. I always find it interesting that pink is still considered a girl color. I do wish fabric companies would make more "everybody" prints with pink in them. I think the piggy print would meet that criterion. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. Thanks, Janine Marie! Yeah, who wouldn't like a piggy print, boy or girl? Might be good for I Spy.

  2. Congrats on those sweet donation finishes, Sylvia! Sorry to hear that you and Little Guy are feeling a bit under the weather. :o((

    1. Thanks, Joyful! We're getting better, and most of the time we feel okay. The Little Guy has still been taking good naps and playing with his brother.

  3. I love those pink pigs, Sylvia! I know you'll find some place fun to use them. The 4 patch quilt is such a great design fir a kid's quilt. I'll have to remember that one. Sorry to hear about the cold - both yours and Little Guy. Feel better soon!

    1. Thanks, Diann! We're coming along okay. There's not much easier than a 4 patch, and they can be really cute with fun fabrics.

  4. in like a lion out like a lamb doesn't always hold true here in Arkansas either - we had frost the 31st!

    1. Wow, even in Arkansas? My mom lives in Oklahoma, and it's been in the 70s there. Maybe April will go out like a lamb.

  5. You are right, I'm sure there are always more girl donation qui,ts than boys. Probably because of so much pretty fabric around these days. I always endeavour to make boys quilts as well for donation.

    1. Everybody needs a cheerful cozy quilt, boys and girls alike!

  6. Love both of your quilts. The pink animal fabric is so cute. Two good ideas for Charity quilts. Hope the little chap’s cold is better.

    1. Thanks, Linda. He seemed a little better on Friday, just needed more cuddling than usual.

  7. Mother nature is playing with us here in Alberta too! Warm today,
    cold tomorrow, snow on Saturday, fog on Monday! I will fool her, I am
    going south for 2 weeks! And yes headless dinosaurs are really common !
    I love the dancing pink hippo!

    1. Thanks, Deb! Aren't novelty prints the best? Have fun in the sun!

  8. Adorable quilts!!
    Sorry about catching the cold... The joys right?
    And the pigs... LOVE them!!!

    1. Thanks, Alycia! Yeah, we take the bad with the good, it's worth it. I've had the pigs for years, maybe soon they'll get to be in a quilt!

  9. I love that bunny fabric in the first photo!!! Wonderful quilt finishes! Hang in there with your cold--part of being a grandma.

    1. Thanks, Nancy! You're right, it's all part of being a grandma, and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

  10. Congratulations on those cute finishes. Looks like you have plenty of pink fabric to play with this month. (Not sure what you could do with the oinkers though.) Sorry to hear you got a cold AND snow. Two good reasons to stay home and read a book. Get well soon. ;^)

    1. Thanks, Chantal! I have a nice big stack of books from the library to keep me busy.


Thanks for reading! Post a comment--I want to know what you think!