Friday, April 15, 2022

This is IT! I Spy Pink

 Welcome to Treadlestitches!

Did you ever see a quilt someplace, in a book or a quilt store or on the internet, and realize this pattern was exactly what you didn't even know you were looking for?  I saw a puss in the corner quilt on the Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting blog, and it made me gasp and then say, "This is IT!  This is what I want to do with my pink scraps!" 

I've made quilts in this pattern before, but hadn't thought about alternating the colors.  Block A has a dark center and dark corners, and Block B has a light center and light corners.  Suddenly I had a use for both light and dark (pink) novelty squares.  (Thanks, Cathy at Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting!)

It just so happens that several of my pink fabrics have bunnies on them, and this is Easter weekend.  I'm not exactly sure why or when we started linking bunnies with the holiday, but I like bunnies all the time anyway.  The little flannel ones were made by someone in my quilt group, and the grandkids love them.

More Easter decorations, and another bunny print.  I've had the duck for a while, and got the bunny recently at an antique mall.  The ceramic eggs were painted by my youngest daughter (the one the duckie is holding) and her then-six year old son (the one with the bunny).  I don't have a lot of Easter decorations, but I like these little things.

I've had the Nice Buns fabric for a long time.  I hope it's not inappropriate for a kid's quilt.  Those do look like nice bunnies, with such sweet smiles.  You can see the wild print border in this photo.

The backing is this adorable older Hoffman print.  There were several yards of it in the basket my generous quilt group friends gave me several weeks ago (Click HERE  Scroll down) and it just seemed perfect for this quilt.  As you can tell, I used the serpentine stitch on my Pfaff to quilt a 2 in. grid.  I really do use it a lot, and maybe I should try other ways to quilt, but hey, it works!

Like the quilt that inspired it, this one will be donated.  It will go to the Little Lambs Foundation, as part of this years Hands 2 Help drive.  Every center square is different, and there are lots of fun prints, so I hope it will keep a youngster entertained.  Some details:  the blocks are 8 in. square, there are 25 of them set 5 x 5, with a 2 in. finished border, which brings the quilt up to 44 in. square.

Speaking of I Spy, my kindergarten buddy has been very excited about these I Spy books lately.  We had the Spooky Night book here already, and I got the first I Spy book at the library.  He has really sharp eyes, but there are some things we still haven't found.

This morning the boys had another book, the kind that plays music when you push the buttons.  As the songs played, they ran around the living room laughing.  I tried to take pictures, but they're all just blurs.

Happy Easter to all who celebrate, and a very happy weekend to everyone.



Linking up with:

Alycia at Finished or Not Finished Friday

Angela at So Scrappy

Cynthia at Oh Scrap


  1. Yes indeed that has happened before. We all inspire each other, such a wonderful quilting community!

    1. Aren't we lucky! I look forward to reading quilt blogs all week.

  2. Thanks for sharing your I Spy quilt! You and Cathy both have inspired me, more than once! Blogger friends are the best!

    1. Amen! A friend introduced me to quilt blogs many years ago, and it's like my world opened up!

  3. That's a wonderful pink quilt, Sylvia - great blocks! I get inspired by others' quilt projects every day, including yours! I Spy books were very popular at our house many years ago, and I still have them. They're so fun and creative! Happy Easter!

    1. Thanks, Diann, Happy Easter! There are so many talented and kind quilters who share their work with us all--people like you!

  4. My grandkids loved the I Spy types of books when they were younger. And I admit I still love the Where's Waldo ones. Love that pink quilt!!!

    1. Thanks, Sara! These books were really hot when I had my first library job. But some little snicklefritz circled all the Waldos! (Not cool, kiddo!)

  5. Awesome PINK quilt finish, Sylvia!! I Spy is one of the most fun patterns out there. Fun to make and fun to receive, as well!!

    1. Thanks, Joyful! There are so many great novelty prints now. It's fun just shopping for them!

  6. That is one adorable quilt. I like the Puss in the Corner (PITC) block too, and the variety you can get by alternating darks and lights. Your quilt is a super finish for H2H!! Way to go!

  7. So cute!! I'm thinking it would make a good QOV quilt with R<W<B! The backing is to die for!!!

  8. It is a lovely Pink quilt and for a great cause. Congrats for finish this beauty, Sylvia.
    Happy Easter for you and your family.

  9. I love it when you see something and it is just what you've been needing / looking for. The quilt turned out great and I think the bunnies print is cute. :)

    1. Thanks, Yvonne! I find it very hard to resist bunnies.

  10. That made me smile, "exactly what you didn't know you were looking for". I'm making a churn dash quilt, and like you earlier, didn't think of making it in alternative colour placemats. This way, you dont need to add sashing and the colours just flow. Thanks so much to both of you for the RSC great ideas! Love those pink bunnies, and I must admit I've been using serpentine stitch too for quilting. It took me years to realise that I had this stitch all along on my machine, I'm not ready to let it go yet.

    1. Hi, Jenny! Yeah, I get tired of adding sashing, and you're right, the colors flow better when set block to block. The serpentine stitch is a keeper for sure.

  11. I love the I Spy books. I have a few and we tended to take them out from the library as well. So much fun. We still have some things we never found! Love your adorable pink quilt.

    1. Thanks, Deb! I'm planning on getting a new I Spy book from the library every week as long as my kindergarten buddy's interest holds out. It's fun for all of us!

  12. It really is a beautiful quilt and lots of fun with all the different centres. Just beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Jan! I sure made a mess going through all the scraps when I was piecing it. I found stuff I didn't know I had!

  13. Congratulations on this beautiful finish! That "ah-ha!" moment happens to me too, a lot! Whether you call it inspiration or solution, it hits me. You did a great job at using all the pink, dark or light. Kudos! I have a feeling you will be doing more of this type of quilt in the future.
    Your ceramic bunny looks a lot like one my mother or grand-mother had. It was a pincushion and it was a light Robin-egg blue. Enjoy the long weekend with the grand-children. ;^)

    1. Thanks, Chantal! I wonder if my bunny wants to be a pin cushion again?

  14. Very cute quilt and the backing is so fun. I made a Puss in the Corner quilt, but it’s only a top at this point. These blocks are like potato chips, you can’t just make one! They are addictive.

    1. Thanks, Kat! All of this stuff is addictive! Every time I finish a quilt I can't wait to finish another one!

  15. Sylvia--I, too, had some of those bunnies long ago, and I STILL have some of the smiling cows you got in your scrap basket! My grandtwins turn 4 soon and they LOVE the I Spy quilt I made! Mine was a pattern called Match Game & they love finding the pairs.

    1. Wow, grandtwins, how wonderful! Who could say no to bunnies and smiling cows? I'll have to look up the Match Game pattern.

  16. Great job on your scrappy pink quilt. I love how it turned out. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

    You have to be careful when you visit Cathy's blog - I have started more projects through her inspiring quilts!

    1. Thanks, Cynthia! Cathy is downright amazing. A scrap wizard!

  17. A delightful pink quilt, love the gentle palette. I just wish I had the time to make all the things I spot on other blogs...

    1. Oh, me too, Linda! I used to try to list all the quilts I wanted to make, but I realized I'd have to live to be 200.

  18. How cute! That Puss in the Corner evidently was just what those pinks needed.

    My grandkids loved I Spy books and games. WE had a mystery video game we played with them that they just loved with all the puzzles to solve and things to find. Those were the days!

  19. It is perfect!!! I love how all your pinks came together in it!!!!

    1. Thanks, Alycia! I just threw all the pinks in, even the pigs. Everybody into the pool!


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